Message from @Nyoki

Discord ID: 551654363358167060

2019-03-02 19:43:15 UTC  

**Melodrama**: [Lorde's] 2nd album which [is lit] as fuck and also [shook] the world
*"Did you know that [Lorde's] album Melodrama [is lit] [as fuck]?"*
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2019-03-02 20:10:54 UTC  

-define cry

2019-03-02 20:10:56 UTC  

**cry**: the release of liquid from the tear ducts when:

a) one is depressed or sad
b) one is extremely happy
c) one has to [urinate] badly
d) one is trying to [manipulate] a person into doing whatever they want them to do
e) one has an eye [irritation]
*example a- Sara cried for hours after the tragic death of her grandmother.

example b- Karen leaped with joy and cried tears of happiness when she won the 5 million dollar lottery.

example [c-] [Michael's] eyes began to water and he began to cry after holding his pee in for two hours.

example [d-] The little girl cried in the middle of the store when she did not get the toy she wanted. Embarrassed, her mother agreed to get her the toy as long as she agreed to shut up.

example e- After getting sprayed in the eye with a full [can of mace], Carl began to cry tears of [agony] as his eyes burned.*
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2019-03-02 20:13:04 UTC  

-define sad

2019-03-02 20:13:08 UTC  

**Sad**: This word can be used in place where "[RIP]" is typically used. Used to express your [disappointment] or [sadness] towards what someone is saying to you in one word.
*Ex. 1:
"Hey, I have to cancel [tonight's] plans. I'm really sorry, we can go out [another time]?"

Ex. 2:
"Are there any cookies left?"
"No, [I ate them all]."

Ex. 3:
"What did you end up getting on that essay?"
"That's too bad"
"Yeah. Sad."*
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2019-03-02 20:23:36 UTC  

-define normal

2019-03-02 20:23:36 UTC  

**normal**: A word [made up] by this [corrupt] [society] so they could single out and attack those who are different
*[Normal] is nothing but a word [made up] by [society]*
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2019-03-02 20:40:03 UTC  

-define insane

2019-03-02 20:40:05 UTC  

**Insane**: 1. Insane/: A state of mind, or being most commonly unstable both behavioral and or emotional in some cases even physical if not treated properly with the right levels of care and attention.

2. Insane/[ly]/[ity]/: These are the versions used when speaking about an individual and or in the third person of the one who's sanity is in question. These grammatical words help create a phrase rather then the single word to help convey a more [personal insult] or to better explain the insanity itself.
*example 1/:( definition 1 ). [To be frank] with you [miss berry] your son is what I would call , emotionally well rounded. Sadly I must let you know the test results. Normally I'd do this kind of thing over the phone but in your case I thought it be best in person, less confusing that way. Your son appears normal but in his case the adhd and bipolar disorders have made a mess of his mind and I don't know if there's much we can do about the after result. Medication would only delay certain symptoms and even then there's no medical way to know if it will even help. With his father's history of mental illness it was only a matter of time before his [genetics] took hold and changed him. Now I don't want you to be [so down] there are other options we have plenty of on facility doctors who specialize in such practices along with a list of local care facilities at your [disposal]. There is hope. He's just a little different that's all. Overwhelmed yes but not insane.*
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2019-03-02 21:21:55 UTC  

-define lunacy

2019-03-02 21:21:56 UTC  

**Lunacy**: [SA] State of Mind achieved when someone has stepped [over the edge] of Extream [Sanity] (Geninus) or fallen over the edge of extream insanity (Lunactic).
*Paul [Cardinal] is said to be an embodiment of Lunacy, he has fallen [over the edge] of insanity and been visited by [men in white coats]; he also has been given an award for his achivements in academics, its hard to justify his true state of mind, so the Courts just said Lunacy.*
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2019-03-02 23:00:16 UTC  

$av @-Joe

2019-03-02 23:00:17 UTC  

2019-03-02 23:00:45 UTC  


2019-03-03 02:49:30 UTC  

-define wakanda

2019-03-03 02:49:30 UTC  

**Wakanda**: A [fictional] [western] African country from mavels [comic books] and movies
*[Black panther] is based on [the kingdom] of a [wakandan] king*
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2019-03-03 06:18:28 UTC  


2019-03-03 06:18:28 UTC  

🏧 | **Nyoki**, **you received your 💴 200 daily credits!**

**Streak: <:b_:400807295363317760><:o_:400807295833079808><:n_:400807295648399362><:uu:400807296231538688><:su:400807295870697473>**

2019-03-03 06:36:49 UTC  

-define sky people

2019-03-03 06:36:50 UTC  

**sky+**: [that box] which [rules] [your life]
*Bob: ''whats [that box]?'re tellin me to switch you on?...but.....i just watched-

(at this point Bob is fighting his [hand off] the sky+ [remote] in order not to watch Lost )*
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2019-03-03 06:37:29 UTC  

-define owl

2019-03-03 06:37:29 UTC  

**owl**: Nocturnal [bird of prey] with [binocular] vision, [binaural] hearing, sharp talons & feathers adapted for silent flight! They range from almost 6" to over 33 1/2". They can turn their heads up to 270 degrees!
*[The owl] is my [spirit animal]. I Love [owls].*
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2019-03-03 06:38:18 UTC  

-define alien

2019-03-03 06:38:18 UTC  

**alien**: 1. A [person] from [a foreign] [country]
2. An extra-terrestrial being.
*[Paco] is an alien
[Oh my god] is that an alien?!?!*
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2019-03-03 06:39:19 UTC  

-define dear

2019-03-03 06:39:19 UTC  

**dear**: it is [the initials] of drop everything and read.. people use it at the begining of letters, emails, messages, [notes] etc. it means they want you to pay fucking attention to what they wrote cuz they worked [hard on] it
*dear mom, [im out] [wif] ma frendz [watchin a movie].. i took the cell.. dun call me... ill call u wen it dun*
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2019-03-03 06:39:29 UTC  

-define deer

2019-03-03 06:39:29 UTC  

**deer**: a deer is a mammal that primarily lives in north america. they mainly eat sasquatch and aliens. 97% of [the deer] population is suicidal. their favourite way of suicide to to [hop in] front of cars. Every [July 5th] the remaining population get together and drink until they cant stand.
*[Jill], stop. [the deer] is already [dead].
No! he's just drunk.*
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2019-03-03 06:45:07 UTC  

-define nigga

2019-03-03 06:45:07 UTC  

**Nigga**: A word that only black people use to call there [homies] if a [white person] uses it they are in some [deep shit]
*John: What is up [my nigga]

[Sean]:What the fuck did you say

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2019-03-03 06:45:16 UTC  


2019-03-03 08:25:13 UTC  


2019-03-03 08:25:13 UTC  

🏧 | **-Joe**, **you received your 💴 200 daily credits!**

**Streak: <:b_:400807295363317760><:o_:400807295833079808><:nu:400807295845662721><:uu:400807296231538688><:su:400807295870697473>**

2019-03-03 08:31:01 UTC  

<:no:390511503238758400> | **Nyoki**, **you do not have enough credits to make this bet.**

2019-03-03 08:32:06 UTC  

t!coin heads

2019-03-03 08:32:06 UTC  

2019-03-03 10:37:51 UTC  


2019-03-03 10:37:51 UTC  

🏧 | **🖥MicrosoftUser💻**, **you received your 💴 200 daily credits!**

2019-03-03 11:32:24 UTC  


2019-03-03 11:32:24 UTC  

||~~**B a n m eB a n m eB a n m eB a n m eB a n m eB a n m eB a n m eB a n m eB a n m ee
B a n m e B an me b a n m e b a n m e B a n m e B a n m E b an M e Ba n m e B a n m e B a n M e B a n m e B a n m e B an mee ba n me ban m e ba n m e ba n m e ban me b a n b a n m e b a n m e b a n m e ba n m e ba n m e ba n me ban me b a n m e b an m e b a n m e m e ba n m e ba n
B a n m e b a n m e b an m e b a n m eb a n m e b a n m e ban me ban me ban me b a n m e ba n me b a n m e b a n m e b a n ban m e ban m e ba n m eB an mE baN me**~~||

2019-03-03 11:32:33 UTC  
