Message from @Nyoki

Discord ID: 552003665225842688

2019-03-04 05:31:12 UTC  

No result :(

2019-03-04 05:31:23 UTC  

-define spyro

2019-03-04 05:31:25 UTC  

**Spyro**: A character from a brilliantly awesome video game. A diminutive four-legged dragon that has a [sidekick] named [Sparx]. All [bow down] to Spyro and Sparx! <3
*[Spyro the dragon] is [so cute] and [cool]!*
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2019-03-04 05:31:37 UTC  

-define ro

2019-03-04 05:31:38 UTC  

**Ro**: A completely unique girl - you'll never meet another one quite like her. She's that person who can make you laugh when you just want to [sulk], that person who you feel blissfully relaxed around and count [the days] until you can see her again, that person who you feel [incomplete] without.

A beautiful mix of good looks, intelligence, humour and kindness, which is more than any man deserves.
*'I [love you] Ro' - [Mi]*
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2019-03-04 05:32:49 UTC  

-define voodoo

2019-03-04 05:32:50 UTC  

**voodoo**: (lit.) Haitian religion combining [Catholicism] and West African-influenced [animist] beliefs.

(colloq.) Any strange ritual or behavior, especially one meant to do harm to another person. See also [voodoo doll].

*[Darlene], angry that her hubby ran off with a waitress from a pachino [parlor], made a [voodoo doll] of him in a B-rate movie sort of revenge.*
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2019-03-04 05:33:24 UTC  

**cuck**: A man who is desperate for acceptance, approval, and affection from women. This desperation has led to the [compromise] of his beliefs and values, the [desecration] of his dignity and self-worth, and his inability to stand up for himself and what he deserves as a human being, eg. loyalty, [fidelity], and honesty in a romantic relationship.
*I know [John's] always wanted a girlfriend but since him and Mary started dating he's become a cuck. She spends all of his money and flirts openly with other men. I can [tell it] bothers him but he's so afraid of losing her that he doesn't [say anything].*
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2019-03-04 05:34:04 UTC  

**Grizzly**: [griz]·zly

An instance of [hustling] or grinding

[Laborious] (and oftentimes difficult) routine work which requires intense focus and emerges as a response to desperate financial situations
*"you [gotta] be [on your grizzly]"

-Ghostface [Killah]*
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2019-03-04 05:34:26 UTC  

**Grizzly**: [griz]·zly

An instance of [hustling] or grinding

[Laborious] (and oftentimes difficult) routine work which requires intense focus and emerges as a response to desperate financial situations
*"you [gotta] be [on your grizzly]"

-Ghostface [Killah]*
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2019-03-04 05:34:41 UTC  

-define terry crews

2019-03-04 05:34:41 UTC  

**Terry Crews**: Terry Crews, Terry Crewsed, [Terry Crewsing]:
Verb- Meaning to steal the show, to be the most memorable person even if they were only involved for a short time, to captivate an audience using [unbridled awesomeness].
This verb was created to describe Terry Crews' performance in [White Chicks].
*You'll kill at [the audition], just get in there and "Terry Crews" them.

Once again, [Dahlia] "Terry Crewsed" the shit out of that episode!

What a great actor, even though with a small supporting role, he ended up "[Terry Crewsing]"!*
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2019-03-04 05:41:10 UTC  

No result :(

2019-03-04 05:41:21 UTC  

No result :(

2019-03-04 05:41:53 UTC  

-define schizoid

2019-03-04 05:41:53 UTC  

**schizoid**: Similar to a loner, but on a larger scale. They appear to be [detached] and [emotionless], but they are still people. They have little regard for social norms. For more information, see loner.

*note: Schizoids are NOT [schizophrenic]. The similarity in name is because they basically mean 'split from society' and 'split up mind' respectively.
*[Jack] is such a schizoid, I think he's some [robot] [or something].*
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2019-03-04 05:43:56 UTC  

-define cumslut

2019-03-04 05:43:56 UTC  

**cumslut**: A cumslut is one who always has to get cum both inside her and on her... lots of it... all the time. And even when she is not in the [midst] of getting cum on her, she is thinking about the previous times or planning future times. It is an [obsession], but I think a healthy obsession for a [cumslut wife].
*[Gemma], from passionwithinmarriage.[blogspot].com, is a [cumslut wife].*
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2019-03-04 05:45:08 UTC  

-define imposter

2019-03-04 05:45:08 UTC  

**Imposter**: When one takes [another's] name or [identity], and uses it to his or her advantage, or to the [victim's] disadvantage.
*Want to see an [imposter]? See "my" [definition] for "[hard-on]." >_>*
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2019-03-04 05:45:29 UTC  

-define scabies

2019-03-04 05:45:29 UTC  

**Scabies**: Scabies is a very [itchy] skin condition caused by tiny [mites] that [burrow] into your skin.
*I have [scabies], and I had severe [itching] last night, because of it. Damn [mites].*
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2019-03-04 05:45:42 UTC  

-define scaby

2019-03-04 05:45:42 UTC  

**Scabies**: Scabies is a very [itchy] skin condition caused by tiny [mites] that [burrow] into your skin.
*I have [scabies], and I had severe [itching] last night, because of it. Damn [mites].*
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2019-03-04 05:46:14 UTC  

@BigBoognish definitely has scabies

2019-03-04 05:46:40 UTC  

-define mites

2019-03-04 05:46:41 UTC  

**mites**: a mouth [bacteria] that is introduced by [sucking] the penis of someone who has had sex with a [dead body].
*tom is a [necrophiliac] and [tiffany] [sucked] his cock, now she has mites*
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2019-03-04 05:47:24 UTC  


2019-03-04 05:47:27 UTC  

**Identiti**: A [British] based [bicycle] company who specialize in [dirt jumping] bikes.
*[Man this] Identiti is the tittings, I just pulled a [backflip] 1 [footer] x-up!*
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2019-03-04 05:47:30 UTC  

-define scabies

2019-03-04 05:47:31 UTC  

**Scabies**: Scabies is a very [itchy] skin condition caused by tiny [mites] that [burrow] into your skin.
*I have [scabies], and I had severe [itching] last night, because of it. Damn [mites].*
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2019-03-04 05:47:42 UTC  

-define raspy

2019-03-04 05:47:42 UTC  

**Raspy**: One of Jadakiss' [names]. Referring to his [somewhat] [scratchy] voice.
*They [call me] Raspy
[Tell you what] [I want you] to know
Fuck what you ask me
You probably don't want me to blow*
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2019-03-04 05:47:54 UTC  

-define minto

2019-03-04 05:47:54 UTC  

**Minto**: A [surname] given to the most attractive [species] of male. These males are usually super smart, extremely funny and good at sports and other [activities].
*Girl 1. Look at that guy on [the football] [field] with the huge muscles and great general [athleticism].

Girl 2. Yeah. He must be a Minto*
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2019-03-04 05:48:02 UTC  

<:HA:511590629592006656> <:HA:511590629592006656> <:HA:511590629592006656>

2019-03-04 05:48:04 UTC  

**Nig nog**: What [black people] drink at [christmas], instead of [egg nog]
*[Pass] the [nig nog] [ya] nig nog*
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2019-03-04 05:48:15 UTC  

-definte niglet

2019-03-04 05:48:20 UTC  

**Mako**: Someone who is really pretty, funny, smart, and loves anime. Makos tend to smile frequently and when they [blush], you cannot help but smile back. Makos are somewhat quiet at first, but when you meet them, you'll never want to [stop talking] to them. If you ever meet a Mako, you're [bound] to fall in love with her and everything about her.
*Wow, [look at that] girl [over there]! She's so [sweet]...she's probably a Mako ^^.*
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2019-03-04 05:48:24 UTC  

-define melak

2019-03-04 05:48:25 UTC  

**Melak**: The [nicest] and [thoughtful] person in the world which is dating [the cutest person in the world]
*[Everyone] [loves] Melak.*
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