Message from @Nyoki

Discord ID: 552004274238914560

2019-03-04 05:41:21 UTC  

No result :(

2019-03-04 05:41:53 UTC  

-define schizoid

2019-03-04 05:41:53 UTC  

**schizoid**: Similar to a loner, but on a larger scale. They appear to be [detached] and [emotionless], but they are still people. They have little regard for social norms. For more information, see loner.

*note: Schizoids are NOT [schizophrenic]. The similarity in name is because they basically mean 'split from society' and 'split up mind' respectively.
*[Jack] is such a schizoid, I think he's some [robot] [or something].*
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2019-03-04 05:43:56 UTC  

-define cumslut

2019-03-04 05:43:56 UTC  

**cumslut**: A cumslut is one who always has to get cum both inside her and on her... lots of it... all the time. And even when she is not in the [midst] of getting cum on her, she is thinking about the previous times or planning future times. It is an [obsession], but I think a healthy obsession for a [cumslut wife].
*[Gemma], from passionwithinmarriage.[blogspot].com, is a [cumslut wife].*
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2019-03-04 05:45:08 UTC  

-define imposter

2019-03-04 05:45:08 UTC  

**Imposter**: When one takes [another's] name or [identity], and uses it to his or her advantage, or to the [victim's] disadvantage.
*Want to see an [imposter]? See "my" [definition] for "[hard-on]." >_>*
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2019-03-04 05:45:29 UTC  

-define scabies

2019-03-04 05:45:29 UTC  

**Scabies**: Scabies is a very [itchy] skin condition caused by tiny [mites] that [burrow] into your skin.
*I have [scabies], and I had severe [itching] last night, because of it. Damn [mites].*
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2019-03-04 05:45:42 UTC  

-define scaby

2019-03-04 05:45:42 UTC  

**Scabies**: Scabies is a very [itchy] skin condition caused by tiny [mites] that [burrow] into your skin.
*I have [scabies], and I had severe [itching] last night, because of it. Damn [mites].*
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2019-03-04 05:46:14 UTC  

@BigBoognish definitely has scabies

2019-03-04 05:46:40 UTC  

-define mites

2019-03-04 05:46:41 UTC  

**mites**: a mouth [bacteria] that is introduced by [sucking] the penis of someone who has had sex with a [dead body].
*tom is a [necrophiliac] and [tiffany] [sucked] his cock, now she has mites*
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2019-03-04 05:47:24 UTC  


2019-03-04 05:47:27 UTC  

**Identiti**: A [British] based [bicycle] company who specialize in [dirt jumping] bikes.
*[Man this] Identiti is the tittings, I just pulled a [backflip] 1 [footer] x-up!*
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2019-03-04 05:47:30 UTC  

-define scabies

2019-03-04 05:47:31 UTC  

**Scabies**: Scabies is a very [itchy] skin condition caused by tiny [mites] that [burrow] into your skin.
*I have [scabies], and I had severe [itching] last night, because of it. Damn [mites].*
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2019-03-04 05:47:42 UTC  

-define raspy

2019-03-04 05:47:42 UTC  

**Raspy**: One of Jadakiss' [names]. Referring to his [somewhat] [scratchy] voice.
*They [call me] Raspy
[Tell you what] [I want you] to know
Fuck what you ask me
You probably don't want me to blow*
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2019-03-04 05:47:54 UTC  

-define minto

2019-03-04 05:47:54 UTC  

**Minto**: A [surname] given to the most attractive [species] of male. These males are usually super smart, extremely funny and good at sports and other [activities].
*Girl 1. Look at that guy on [the football] [field] with the huge muscles and great general [athleticism].

Girl 2. Yeah. He must be a Minto*
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2019-03-04 05:48:02 UTC  

<:HA:511590629592006656> <:HA:511590629592006656> <:HA:511590629592006656>

2019-03-04 05:48:04 UTC  

**Nig nog**: What [black people] drink at [christmas], instead of [egg nog]
*[Pass] the [nig nog] [ya] nig nog*
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2019-03-04 05:48:15 UTC  

-definte niglet

2019-03-04 05:48:20 UTC  

**Mako**: Someone who is really pretty, funny, smart, and loves anime. Makos tend to smile frequently and when they [blush], you cannot help but smile back. Makos are somewhat quiet at first, but when you meet them, you'll never want to [stop talking] to them. If you ever meet a Mako, you're [bound] to fall in love with her and everything about her.
*Wow, [look at that] girl [over there]! She's so [sweet]...she's probably a Mako ^^.*
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2019-03-04 05:48:24 UTC  

-define melak

2019-03-04 05:48:25 UTC  

**Melak**: The [nicest] and [thoughtful] person in the world which is dating [the cutest person in the world]
*[Everyone] [loves] Melak.*
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2019-03-04 05:48:38 UTC  

-define fucko

2019-03-04 05:48:39 UTC  

**Fucko**: A jackass, [dumbshit] sort of person, who although [tries to be] smart about things ends up with their [head up] their ass.
*In Goodfellas [DeNiro's] character (Jimmy) refers to a couple of feds sleeping in their car as [Fucko's]. As he taps on the glass to wake them (they have been tailing him) he says: "c'mon [fucko's] lets go for a ride."*
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2019-03-04 05:48:49 UTC  

-define wacky

2019-03-04 05:48:49 UTC  

**wacky**: A word that means 'crazy', as in [weird], [different] from others, [silly] or funny.

*1. [You are] so wacky!
2. Have you [heard] of that wacky [website]?*
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2019-03-04 05:48:58 UTC  

**Blue**: The feeling when u [wake up] at 7 in the morning and [remembering] it's a [monday].
*"i [got] the [monday blues]"*
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2019-03-04 05:49:03 UTC  

-define fucky

2019-03-04 05:49:03 UTC  

**fucky**: An adjective for something that isn't [functioning] [properly], [or something] that is not quite right.
*Bloody [antenna]. My reception is all fucky.

Your [Christmas tree] is all bent and [irregular]. It's fucky.*
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2019-03-04 05:49:15 UTC  

-define chiggers

2019-03-04 05:49:15 UTC  

**chiggers**: a mite that u can get from being in [tall grass] and shit like that...they itch and they [sck] [major asshole]...they look gross
*[dude]...[haha] i got chiggers from [castro]*
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2019-03-04 05:49:24 UTC  

**wigger**: A male caucasion, usually born and raised in the suburbs that displays a strong desire to emulate African American [Hip Hop culture] and style through "Bling" fashion and generally accepted "thug life" guiding principles.

Often characterized by his car, or "whip": usually an [econobox] modified with at least twice [the car's] book value in non-power producing modifications or an SUV with at least 5500 lbs. of curb weight. Traditional trucks can also qualify here, depending on locale (southern states' percentages are higher). All vehicles are also [mandated] to have at least 19" chrome [alloy] wheels, regardless of make. The typical wigger is also characterized by a strong desire to [adorn] gold [jewlery] (especially heavy gold chains) and athletic warm up suits. All equipment and clothing will be paid for by the parents of the individual in question, or the parents of said individual's "shorty" through the use of said [shorty's] credit cards.

A general disposition of "hard" will be displayed among other wiggers and to kids around their neighbohood (usually labelled a 'subdivision' or 'gated community' due to its mass produced housing develoment origins). This disposition will immediately be dropped and replaced by a more typical "white boy" disposition when in the presence of actual African Americans ( with exceptions: Those whose origins trace to the suburbs being the most prominant.).
*Wigger: "Yo kid, you best be watchin' ya step!"

[Typical Suburban White Girl]: "Didn't you get that [Do-rag] at Hot topic?"

Wigger: "Yeah, well.. [you know how we do]!"*
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2019-03-04 05:49:34 UTC  

-define jigging

2019-03-04 05:49:34 UTC  

**Jigging**: A style of dancing originating in [Louisiana] where the dancer vigorously shakes there arms and [wiggles] there knees at the same time. It is a weird combination of legs movements, arms movements, jumps and head movements. Easily One Of The Most Creative Dances Seen. TOO BAD NOT MANY PEOPLE OUT OF [LOUISIANA] KNOWS. IT WOULD BE NICE TO SHARE [JIGGING] TO THE WORLD.
*[Dancer] #1: Let's Start Jigging.
Dancer #2: [CUT UP]!!!!!!!!!*
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2019-03-04 05:49:43 UTC  

**Mako**: Someone who is really pretty, funny, smart, and loves anime. Makos tend to smile frequently and when they [blush], you cannot help but smile back. Makos are somewhat quiet at first, but when you meet them, you'll never want to [stop talking] to them. If you ever meet a Mako, you're [bound] to fall in love with her and everything about her.
*Wow, [look at that] girl [over there]! She's so [sweet]...she's probably a Mako ^^.*
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