Message from

Discord ID: 552057474522415104

2019-03-04 09:10:14 UTC  

**NLP**: [Neuro] [Linguistic] Programming - The Study of Human [Excellence].
*[Richard] Bandler.

Are you [sure enough] to be [unsure]?
How do you know that you are depressed?
How do you know when to get depressed?*
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2019-03-04 09:10:57 UTC  

**Wtf Richard**

2019-03-04 09:11:11 UTC  

-define Richard

2019-03-04 09:11:11 UTC  

**Richard**: [Heart of gold]. He is extremely kind and always [compassionate]. Puts others first before himself, but still manages to have a thoughtful opinion and holds true to his beliefs. The best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for. Beautiful eyes, great body, FANTASTIC hair, [impeccably] dressed. Extremely intelligent. Knows so much about the world and the people around him. Could talk to him for hours about nothing. Very mature for his age. He knows what he wants and how to get it. Someone you will always want to have by your side-- your life will change once you meet him.
*[Im] [so in love] with Richard Erlandson.*
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2019-03-04 09:11:17 UTC  

fail xD

2019-03-04 09:11:54 UTC  

x x
X x x

2019-03-04 09:12:24 UTC  

Harvey university?

2019-03-04 09:12:52 UTC  

Harvey Taylor

2019-03-04 09:13:11 UTC  

-define harvey Taylor

2019-03-04 09:13:11 UTC  

**harveyed**: To be harveryed. When one is deemed to be harveyed one has drunk oneself into a comma using generic vodka at a party. The result of this coma usually involved the person who has been harveyed [projectile vomiting] in a dog cage followed shortly by passing out in a [feild]. One can only be said to be truly harveyed if ones parents are called in the small hours of the morning to collect their [comatosed] child.
*"Hello [Mrs] [Harvey], would you be able to come and [collect] Andrew, he's been harveyed."*
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2019-03-04 09:13:16 UTC  


2019-03-04 09:13:32 UTC  

sillyhead xD

2019-03-04 09:13:34 UTC  

*Mrs taylor harvey uwu*

2019-03-04 09:13:39 UTC  


2019-03-04 09:14:49 UTC  

-define spider senses are tingling

2019-03-04 09:14:49 UTC  

**Spidey Senses are Tingling**: The act of [gaining] a boner out of excitement over a person that has just entered your general area.
see also [spiderman ass] see also [websling dong]
*from the second your mom [walked in] the room dude! my [spidey senses are tingling] in [every direction] possible.*
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2019-03-04 09:15:47 UTC

2019-03-04 09:17:32 UTC  

-define sleet

2019-03-04 09:17:32 UTC  

**Sleet**: <noun> Colloquial;

[Precipitation] containing rain and snow.

--> Which means the ground will [get wet] and the snow won't stick. So it's just crap basically. You probably don't [get it in] America.
*[WEATHERMAN]: "It's gonna [sleet] so take some [snow boots] and an umbrella with you to work."*
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2019-03-04 09:19:18 UTC  

Invalid arguments provided: Not enough arguments passed

2019-03-04 09:25:35 UTC  

-define arcana

2019-03-04 09:25:35 UTC  

**Arcana**: A [mystical] [artifact] of strange origin and [powers].
*Arcana- [latin] for [silence]*
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2019-03-04 09:26:08 UTC  

Silence uwu

2019-03-04 09:26:40 UTC  

t!wiki arcana

2019-03-04 09:26:41 UTC  
2019-03-04 09:27:44 UTC  

-define subsequent

2019-03-04 09:27:44 UTC  

**subsequent**: [adj].
Following in [time] or [order]; succeeding.
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2019-03-04 09:27:55 UTC  

-define ginger

2019-03-04 09:27:55 UTC  

**Ginger**: A legendary race believed to have descended from [Prometheus] himself, the [bringer] of fire. Some believe that the first Ginger was in fact the flame that Prometheus handed down to the human race [that fateful day]. Regardless, since that day, all Gingers have had the fire of Prometheus [coursing] through their veins, [scorching] their hair bright red, [charring] their skin into what are commonly mistaken for freckles when the fire [strays] too close to the surface. While most myths surrounding the mysterious Ginger people are fabricated, some come quite close to the truth. While it is true that Gingers lack what can be considered a truly human soul, what most people don't realize is that all Gingers have been graced with the infinitely more powerful spirit of the gods. It is for this reason that the human race has so discriminated against the Ginger people. Somewhere buried deep in their subconscious is the knowledge that they will never live up to the glory and power of their Ginger counterparts and thus, like everything that threatens the ego of the human race, they beat down and attempt to humiliate them into submission. But there will come a time when all those blessed with the fire of the gods in their veins will rise up and right all wrongs in the world and bring peace and harmony to all.
*Guy 1: Dude, check out that ginger!
Guy 2: Whoa, don't you know what its capable of? We should [get the hell out of here]. Or better yet, [bow down] at its feet and thank it for its [mercy] and grace for letting us live.*
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2019-03-04 09:30:07 UTC  

-define durante

2019-03-04 09:30:07 UTC  

**durante**: [Durante] is a word that is absolutely shit. It was a title used in [barbaric] times to describe someone who fucks monkeys. He smells like [doody] and eats his own shit.
*[I saw] durante [sucking] his own [ass].*
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2019-03-04 09:30:34 UTC  

-define pulsars

2019-03-04 09:30:34 UTC  

**pulsar**: Sleeping [beast] of a [machine]
[pple] think they are slow
*[Bye Bye] [WRX's]
Bye Bye Muzzas in the [clubby]
Bye Bye Tyres see you on the road*
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2019-03-04 09:31:47 UTC  

t!wiki raiders

2019-03-04 09:31:48 UTC  
2019-03-04 09:34:01 UTC  

-define xyz

2019-03-04 09:34:01 UTC  

**xyz**: [An Abbreviation] for "examine your [zipper]".
*[Hey You]! [XYZ]!*
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2019-03-04 09:34:18 UTC  

t!wiki xyz

2019-03-04 09:34:19 UTC  
2019-03-04 09:35:33 UTC  

-define shadow government