Message from

Discord ID: 554123949064192020

2019-03-09 16:52:14 UTC  

-define balloons

2019-03-09 16:52:14 UTC  

**Balloons**: A man who is fascinated with [large breasted] women, who as a child was deprived of his mother's [breast milk] and was a bottle [fed baby].
*Look at Fatty drool over [cattle] [Sarah's] chest, he's a [balloons]!*
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2019-03-09 16:53:19 UTC  

-define tight arse

2019-03-09 16:53:19 UTC  

**tight arse**: Someone who won't [go out] of their way to give [somone] else some money or help.
*I [asked] [Billy] for some money, but he was such a tight arse and told me to [bugger off].*
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2019-03-09 17:19:06 UTC  

-define mong

2019-03-09 17:19:07 UTC  

**Mong**: Adj. [Lacking] in physical and cerebal ability. General [retardation].
Generally: a total [spastic]
*No I don't need you to help me with my [supermarket] [trolley], you [fucking mong]*
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2019-03-09 17:24:10 UTC  

-define noose

2019-03-09 17:24:10 UTC  

**Noose**: A [rope] [used] [to hang] yourself with.
*[AC/DC] lyrics: "[Let loose], from [the noose]."*
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2019-03-09 18:03:42 UTC  

-define hmong

2019-03-09 18:03:43 UTC  

**hmong**: The "[Hmong's]" were recruited by the US [Govt], CIA. to help aid the American Soldiers in the Vietnam War... So, by doing so... the AMERICANS [fled] and left them defenseless and now they're getting slaughtered and hunted down by the Viatnamese today. Some of them managed to escape and immigrate to other countries, but families are being murdered there still.
*[Hmong] children are raped and [murdered] every day, but the U.S. government won't [step in] to help them and it's a generally quiet topic in the media.*
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2019-03-09 19:09:14 UTC  

t!wiki treaty

2019-03-09 19:09:16 UTC  
2019-03-10 00:33:15 UTC  

-define galaxy

2019-03-10 00:33:16 UTC  

**galaxy**: A really cool place to go [hitchhiking], [provided] that you have a [guide].
*I never leave my [home planet] to go [hitchhiking] in the galaxy without my [trusty] guide and a towel!*
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2019-03-10 01:37:44 UTC  

2019-03-10 01:40:59 UTC  

t!slots 500

2019-03-10 01:41:00 UTC  

<:no:390511503238758400> | **musicdestroyer**, **you do not have enough credits to make this bet.**

2019-03-10 02:10:34 UTC  


2019-03-10 02:10:35 UTC  

🏧 | **-Joe**, **you received your 💴 200 daily credits!**

**Streak: <:b_:400807295363317760><:o_:400807295833079808><:n_:400807295648399362><:u_:400807295879217153><:su:400807295870697473>**

2019-03-10 02:10:44 UTC  

-define oni chan

2019-03-10 02:10:44 UTC  

**Oni-chan**: Something you definitely [do not want] your [little sister] to call you...You know unless she's not related by blood.Then....uhhh...wait...[FBI's] here...bye.3
*"Fuck me [oni-chan]"
*9 months later
Friend:"[why'd] you smash your [lil sis] bro.fucking disgusting"*
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2019-03-10 02:13:39 UTC  

-define oni san

2019-03-10 02:13:41 UTC  

**oni-san**: Japanese. Literal Meaning: "Mr. [Devil]."
Usually used my a male as a means of describing himself as a [daredevil], or as [cunning], esp. with women.
*[Oni-san], kocchi de! {i am} Mr. [Devil] [over here]!*
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2019-03-10 02:29:56 UTC  

<:mk:511588951811817480>ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION<:mk:511588951811817480>
🔺<:mk:511588951811817480> @everyone @here ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION Commencing in approx 25 minutes lighthearted debate and friendly discussion welcomed tonight, our source is well.... controversial... more to follow...<:mk:511588951811817480>🔻

Source: - <:mk:511588951811817480>

2019-03-10 02:38:32 UTC  

LOGISTICS:- As a trial tonight’s round table will take place in our <#550159186567102470> channel. With the VC element being held from the associated <#550159186567102470> VOICE CHAT Channel. This will enable us to play background or supporting media should the circumstances require.
Take Note⚠️:- You will be un muted as you join the Music VC Channel to enable open discussion.

2019-03-10 12:11:37 UTC  

-define hiding

2019-03-10 12:11:37 UTC  

**Hiding**: A [brutal] [beating]
*I gave that [horse fucker] [a bloody] [good hiding]!*
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2019-03-10 12:12:07 UTC  

-define runaway

2019-03-10 12:12:08 UTC  

**Runaway**: When you do not [plan] on drinking [heavily] in a night and then and end up getting [stupid drunk].
*- "Do you want a beer?"
- "Ya just one."

Next [morning after] 24 beers later

-"Man, that really [escalated] fast"
-"Ya, we had a bit of a [runaway]."*
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2019-03-10 12:17:07 UTC  

-define extra large

2019-03-10 12:17:07 UTC  

**Extra Large Areola disorder**: When a woman has an [areola] [bigger] than [a human] head.
*When [Beth] Chapmans top fell [down it] was clear she had [Extra Large Areola Disorder].*
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2019-03-10 12:17:29 UTC  


2019-03-10 12:18:29 UTC  

-define tiny

2019-03-10 12:18:29 UTC  

**tiny**: The nickname of [6'8]" 350lb mobster found in every prison, who has been convicted for a string of violent crimes. Usually, tiny is muscle for someone else, due to a low mental capacity and uneasiness about his size. Quite well-endowed, tiny will seek to [butt-fuck] people smaller than him. Tiny is the white version of [Big Bubba].
*[Tiny] is [scary], but [stupid].*
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2019-03-10 12:19:35 UTC  

-define big bubba

2019-03-10 12:19:35 UTC  

**Big Bubba**: [The guy] that [you don't want] to be your [prison cell] mate.
*Guy 1:"So you're [going to jail]?"
Guy 2:"Yup."
Guy 1:"Who's your [cellmate]?"
Guy 2:"Some guy called Big Bubba."
Guy 1:"You'd better [pray] for the death sentence."*
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2019-03-10 12:19:54 UTC  

-define bone yard

2019-03-10 12:19:54 UTC  

**Bone Yard**: [Slang] for [graveyard].
*I [wonder] what happens when they [fill up] that [boneyard]?*
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2019-03-10 12:21:13 UTC  

-define classo

2019-03-10 12:21:13 UTC  

No result :(

2019-03-10 12:21:29 UTC  

-define IOMS Number