Message from @Trybal
Discord ID: 545017533619503125
That’s better, thanks for your conclusion.
Where did serious debate go
It ded
no u
And you are contributing to the problem
Sure kid
Also, now that we’re here, I’d suggest something a bit more exciting for tomorrows debate, how about the Arecibo Message and Answer regarding alien life and it’s dismissal regarding Fermis Paradox or L’enfant where what seems to be a mossad agent with a childs voice had been threatening a man for over 20 years.
Let me guess “piss off”
Or perhaps even something more exciting, how about tommorrows debate is about Synchronicity? Oh boy do I have some fun stories for that lol.
New debate: Is tseries using subbot?
No that has nothing to do with conspiracy theories and its topics like that people don't care about
Tseries fan ^
Synchronicity *could* be a conspiracy theory in that certain coincidences aren’t coincidence at all but meaningful.
I couldn't care less about either of them
That to me is pretty interesting to be honest.
its a whole load of noise tbh
L’enfant is definitely an interesting one atleast.
How do we look up stuff about L'enfant?
I’ll link some things.
OP has sources linked further down in the post, this should be a fun topic.
New debate: Was Hitler a Nazi?
It should be noted also the dude was not only harrassed frequently but also they somehow found his phone numbers everytime he changed one and could reach him anywhere to threaten him.
Yup that’s nice
Hitler was actually a vegan lol.
VeGANG 😎👌🏻
I'd like to "pass" on L'enfant.
Jokes aside, L’enfant is one underinvestigated yet one of the more intriguing stories.
Not really
It sounds like he was targeted by PLO (dunno how Mossad gets brought up) as a suspected CIA asset in the 70s. He opened a restaurant later and was garrassed either by the same people or by people who hate Lebanese. Who knows? he went crazy and started an antisemitic website.
what part of his story in particular do you feel needs more scrutiny?
He was kidnapped by Israeli agents when he was younger.
Hence why he suspected mossad and became so antisemitic.
what you linked uhh goes against that
it says he suspected them of beig PLO
they threatenned him to try and make him say he was CIA, in a Palesti ian refugee camp
Wait what I read from an old article said the complete opposite, I didn’t read that part of the Reddit post.
you seem to be changing the story to be about Israelis
You’re right, that’s strange.