Message from @The_SCC
Discord ID: 645726495922454554
Good old minivan engines lol
Yeah, it's a generic as fuck engine but it's does decent enough
I really wish they'd do a V8
I would trade in tomorrow on one
I am kind of startled how shitty on gas mileage it is for city driving for a 3.6 v6
Like god damn, I get 19-20 granny driving in stop and go
i can feel the huge geico dick about to ram me
Didnt they make a diesel in these new jeep truck things
Get a toyota avalon i hear those are sick drifters
The I6 4l TJ I had got like 15mpg and I had a a Ford Excursion with a v8 7.3l diesel getting 23mpg highway
Diesels are pretty efficient
The Excursion also weighted in around 7,000ish pounds if I remember correctly
Yeah they have a new diesel jeep but it's that blue cap shit so everyone is saying fuck that
Not a diesel guy but lots of people have said that killed it for them. I guess it's expensive with that additive?
DEF systems are humungously gay on diesels
They're upscale crown vics
itll be pricier once you put a Supercharged Coyote engine in it
@Beautiful Joe post guns
@The_SCC get w12 VW phaeton
@AbrohamLincoln post guns
How did you find this discord?
No doxing
Yeah, definitely not, I'll post my handguns here tonight
And toes
Feds don't have toes
So I need to see your toes
Talking fetishes already? I mean, I guess I'll play along for now
You have access to the whole server now @AbrohamLincoln
All I have for now, building on the collection, hopefully getting a rifle this weekend