Message from @gookfoot
Discord ID: 653495902769643530
@Dirty Mike post guns
@Ash pls be patient I have tism
Guys let me out of the Chuck shed
I'll post AR
*cuck, not Chuck
Gook feet not allowed
@gookfoot Nice Ash clones
Too bad Ash cloning is considered a bannable offense
I think I had mine before Ash
@gookfoot can you recommend some concealable armor?
level 3 or 4 is fine
I'm gonna be honest man, I got no plates
I'm asking for armor for christmas
but I want to ask for the right thing
I don't want to get taken out by some fag with a .410 sawn off
so I'm rocking armor and a face shield
/gq/ boys gonna have your best options
it's ded over there
The discord is not dead
looking at the main chat, I'm seeing like 15 messages in the last 4 days
You in fluffys gear server lol
and whenever I check to see if anyone is in voice, it's empty
I'm in Gear Gang
yeah not the real gq
May I have a link?
thats @showerhater973.bashy
Its in the thread
Is that the OG server?
I was once part of a server with a "Wakizashi Water Cooler" but I got B& from discord for (maybe) selling some stuff to a mass shooter.
Not on purpose, dude seemed like a nice guy and paid shipping