Message from @gookfoot
Discord ID: 653140635343257601
Oh boy can I be a cool 4chan anon so you can all respect me for my ar fashion
yeah post your AR
>doxxing my ar
take your time posting it
hide serial number
we dont need to see that.
>attaching my firearm to an ID that can be traced back to me unless I'm incredibly meticulous in my opsec
🤔 that dude really leave
I was expecting this to be more of a bully zone tbh
What a boomer
Ningens really be out here thinking the ATF is scouring discord to link a fire arm to them instead of realizing they got it the moment they purchased a part online
@Dirty Mike post guns
@Ash pls be patient I have tism
I'll post AR
*cuck, not Chuck
Gook feet not allowed
@gookfoot Nice Ash clones
Too bad Ash cloning is considered a bannable offense
I think I had mine before Ash
@gookfoot can you recommend some concealable armor?
level 3 or 4 is fine
I'm gonna be honest man, I got no plates
I'm asking for armor for christmas
but I want to ask for the right thing
I planned not lasting long in bokgaloo, only thing I'll be wearing is a bomb vest
I don't want to get taken out by some fag with a .410 sawn off
so I'm rocking armor and a face shield
/gq/ boys gonna have your best options
it's ded over there