Message from @vicious
Discord ID: 666416558557364227
What a gay, he went offline immediately
!ban 93172216258138112
He seemed like a pos
<@666393932908986388> post guns
<@666393932908986388> buy Ash's foot
He's a fed
I am thinkin he dont care or bot
@invisibleilluminati post gun
Ok one sec
Post beans too
Baked preferably, pinto accepted, green if necessary
Those keymod slots remind me of how I get when I see a big can of beans
its got a bush's baked red dot to homie
Be gentle with it though, its fragile
tender care is the secret recipe homie
Are you the real ash
Post guns
Wow I feel like I’m meeting a celebrity
Ok hang on
It’s pretty shitty I know I just got it
No bully
Gonna need a timestamp for this one
Alright I’ll be home soon
On the train
@Brother May 👀 you were in here before
lemme post a pic of my AR and we'll see if im still allowed
I remember you never posted guns
posted my enfield and got banned for shitposting