Message from @PunishedSmug
Discord ID: 619151921319641088
was only a meme
anyone have a pistol mag pouch that works with 45/10 ammo
>inb4 just buy kiwis
well the botkinites say it's only good for 9/40
just buy kywis
It works fine
I use them for USP 45 and HK45 magazines
also kywis are gay dab
also why are you asking in here
well shit, you're right
>tfw marinating again
At least you know you have an actual chance of getting in
I'm stuck here forever
@AngryWhiteGuy Post yourself wearing a suit and I'll put in a good word for you
Did you eat Joseph A. Bank
Whos John Corzine.. Whos Rianna. Whos John Corzine- I know who Rianna Is; I know the IMDB top ten - Whos John Corzine
What’s with the beard
it's bad and should be shaved
Be mean
It just needs to be trimmed
And styled off the neckline
weak on the cheeks and the moustache area
you have to remember his head is twice the size of yours
Its already pretty trimmed
I understand the pain of being a beardlet
just rub Rogaine all over your face
I just shave
if I shave people will see my terrible facial proportions
your beard doesn't suck though
if I don't shave people think I'm about to ask them to buy me a happy meal
grooming is dumb, embrace the caveman
i have pretty empty cheeks like AWG that's why i shave
But my mustache and chin grow and fill like crazy
yeah i can grow a very good *facepussy* as it's called here
just shit yourself for fun
but then you have to shave a lot too so nothing won
It also comes in red and light brown