Message from @Rob
Discord ID: 619695955658407987
@wingdiver gear and toes
@wingdiver If you post toes, I will give you <@&559943777024737292>
Waiting on more in the mail, this is what I have so far
I’m kind of regretting the plate carrier and not getting something like the slickster
this nigga got the racist armor
good job
but get a pfp or we'll assign you one
Wops sorry
Tf carrier is that
Looks like shit
It’s not bad but it’s not great. It’s the holplite rogue carrier. I like the laminate webbing but I’m probably going to buy a ferro slickster to replace it. I did get it pretty cheap with the plates so I gave it a shot.
>buying a carrier from hoplite
I’m pairing it up with just some BFG ten speed 308 pouches
Ferro kinda wack tbh
Just make better decisions.
>doesn't have a Wing diver from EDF as a Pfp
Kick him
So I've seen recently that the TRI 152 is gaining traction after the wake of the Baofeng being lit up by the government and HAM radio fags.
I know that it had some interest in here at some point and was wondering how it did?
Its garbage
That's what I figured. Everythings trash all the way around isn't it
Isn't it just baofeng internals ina 152 shell
isn't that the one that got btfo by cold weather
Im pretty sure they will just make another compliance model baofeng
which btw takes 15 minutes to convert back to being able to transmit on all channels
the baofeng ban is fear mongering
Or just get a big dicked radio
Motorolas aren't that hard to find
and some are just as affordable
Arent the xts ones cheaper than the tca 152s?
A bunch of high use models are cheaper than tca 152s
they actually have programming shit
I want a real 152 dammit