Message from @Bubba Gucci

Discord ID: 624250722283814922

2019-09-19 14:27:17 UTC  

Like “oh yeah i got into a spat with the GQ nerds”

2019-09-19 14:27:22 UTC  

@Bubba Gucci what does this say

2019-09-19 14:27:25 UTC  

Is not a rare situation

2019-09-19 14:27:32 UTC  

Or one that troubles anyone

2019-09-19 14:27:34 UTC  

Y ru here

2019-09-19 14:27:36 UTC  

oh wait are you bunkbedguy

2019-09-19 14:27:42 UTC  

Which instructors classes will I not be welcome in

2019-09-19 14:27:43 UTC  

jk at least hes not a fatso

2019-09-19 14:27:50 UTC  

>"Literally no one cares about this server"
>*Stays in here whining about how he can't get in for 3 hours*

2019-09-19 14:27:56 UTC  

Because of your reputation

2019-09-19 14:28:03 UTC  

What rep

2019-09-19 14:28:08 UTC  

Lmao who cares

2019-09-19 14:28:09 UTC  

@Beekeeper yeah that’s what I’m doing

2019-09-19 14:28:13 UTC  


2019-09-19 14:28:22 UTC  

I can't keep pace with the autism of the unemployed.

2019-09-19 14:28:31 UTC  


2019-09-19 14:28:43 UTC  

@Punished Gunn who is unemployed here

2019-09-19 14:28:52 UTC  

post tax returns

2019-09-19 14:28:52 UTC  

I’m able to multitask

2019-09-19 14:29:06 UTC  

yeah same I can switch between beating my dick and beating my wife at will

2019-09-19 14:29:30 UTC  

Not cool dude

2019-09-19 14:29:35 UTC  

you don't beat your wife?

2019-09-19 14:29:39 UTC  

Spousal abuse is a serious problem in the United States

2019-09-19 14:29:46 UTC  

yeah theres not enough of it

2019-09-19 14:29:52 UTC  

you ever been around a woman

2019-09-19 14:29:57 UTC  

Millions of people are trapped by the specter of harm in toxic relationships

2019-09-19 14:30:27 UTC  

it's consensual

2019-09-19 14:30:41 UTC  

Yeah well that’s different I guess

2019-09-19 14:30:44 UTC  

Ya fuckin degenerate

2019-09-19 14:30:50 UTC  

I also don't have a wife. lost her last year to ulceritive colitis

2019-09-19 14:30:55 UTC  

Fuckin whips and chains over here

2019-09-19 14:31:09 UTC  

I beat my fincee

2019-09-19 14:31:10 UTC  

If that’s true, I genuinely do think that sucks

2019-09-19 14:31:14 UTC  

Shes cool with it

2019-09-19 14:31:19 UTC  

I cry every time I match up on Xbox live

2019-09-19 14:31:28 UTC  

Ulcerative colitis is a weird cause of death though

2019-09-19 14:31:34 UTC  

Domestic abuse is how you get into heaven

2019-09-19 14:31:37 UTC  

what are you, a doctor?

2019-09-19 14:31:55 UTC  

@glacial pace I mean, no, but I dated one for a long time

2019-09-19 14:32:06 UTC  


2019-09-19 14:32:06 UTC  

People die from UC related illness all the time