Message from @Snowback
Discord ID: 632075709396811777
quick preffered hop up setting go
>preferred hop up setting
Lemme in the water cooler
thats not a question any true bbwarrior would ask
stolen valour faggot
Just hand over those red tagged freaks, and there can be an end to this torment.
"its just a prank bro"
dude tro please hro
im just here for the tailz xd ok jro'
shall I claim.. our show?
mecha anime
*hand rubbing guy punished*
has long nose
long hands
Squidward is a gamer who isn't able to rise up
squidward painted and worked for a living
understand your memes
oh god oh fuck theyve got me
who else was a failed painter and leader of men
damn you meddling art school drop outs