Discord ID: 545253295657058315
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uppers are gear :^)
your dad sounds pretty cool
bruh emotes count as gear
the porch does look comfy ngl
with that grill
UCP is god's chosen camo
bubba are you homofaggot?
damn bubba you alright?
good to hear
already got ucp g3s being made 😎
CCE is a good camo
french pride 🏳 world wide
👱🏿 🥖 🚬 🗼 🐸
when will france get their own retard cube?
remember to use your poo poo pee pee
seems dumb but alright
The best gfl is the girl reading this
Get some deviant art of the models made to look like sonic
canteen with a silly straw is that lit shit 😎 🍹 🏖
ngl I like the look of IBAs
what the fuck
tyfys solar
moran lobby
black santa is a good one
das right
we wuz kangs and sheit
alice is aight but kinda shitty
realistically SHTF is roaming autists with mosins shooting cag in the streets
sounds really smart. keep us posted
squidward painted and worked for a living
understand your memes
yes run it over an AVS
honestly just get an crye avs and run that chest rig over it for max gucci
get the cag maratime from red horse
k6-3 with rachet nvg shroud from a pasgt
ULW gang
get a IHPS
get this it's cag APPROVED
dummy goggles
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