Message from @tacticoolyourjets
Discord ID: 645752510463737876
@Pisces#2295 show us your gear
or just leave
tell u what chase
i'll give you anna
and you'll be indebted to me
you give me her and the blonde haired knight and we got a deal
check bots
y do ur cum look that way
@5W Give me perms coward <:autisticscreeching:608762448870375426> <:dragondagger:608762441307914261>
shut the fuck up frogposter
@RagSec post gear and ass with time stamp
Il post gear with time stamp but its 1btc for ass soz
Show your hole faggot
no u
ya gotta buy loot crates to potentially win the chance
my virtus 😉
couldnt find shit to write on
Are you British?