Message from @the /k/ombat artist
Discord ID: 645731805600677889
post favorite touhou and guns you own
Tf is a touhou?
its kinda like anime but not
Yeah nah, not my kind of thing
Plus, I am a noguns eurofag so...
I am looking into fixing that though
come back when u play touhou 8 and have guns
Holy fucking shit. I want to bang the loli rabbit from Touhou 8 so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I reach stage 5 I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of her online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Tewi. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Tewi’s tight rabbit pussy. I want her to have my youkai human/rabbit babies.
Fuck, my fucking mom caught me with the neighbors daughter. I'd dressed her in my sister's pink dress and rabbit ears and went to fucking town. She hasn't said a word to me in 10 hours and I'm worried she's gonna take away my PC and phone. I might not ever get to see Tewi again.
shit it's back
good afternoon @the /k/ombat artist
get me a touhou
sure you don't want me to just triple the value
@Pisces#2295 show us your gear
or just leave