Message from @PunishedSmug

Discord ID: 659703496508964889

2019-12-26 07:22:25 UTC  

From all I've found XSAPI's and XSAPI rated plates were rare even when they were being made, and were only adopted by a few big dick units and the FBI, then shelved quickly afterwards since they were made for threats people never ran into.

2019-12-26 07:23:11 UTC  

You really won't find much better protection on the market though.

2019-12-26 07:33:03 UTC  

The only things I heard about that were better are super LIBA plates that are supposed to take 20+ hits of M993

2019-12-26 07:33:19 UTC  

But those sound absolutely nonexistent

2019-12-26 07:34:03 UTC  

Can I ask why you're willing to sell the XSAPI's if they're the best on the market rn? @Punished Gunn

2019-12-26 07:35:36 UTC  

I'll sell anything for the right price, and I'm unlikely to run into the sort of threats where I'd need XSAPIs.

2019-12-26 07:38:29 UTC  

liba is a dumb meme

2019-12-26 07:39:38 UTC  

In any case, if you're serious about wanting them, mine pass tap and torque of course and I can provide xrays if needed.

2019-12-26 07:43:21 UTC  

I want them, but it might take a while for me to get $3k

2019-12-26 07:43:29 UTC  

Bit of a poorfag

2019-12-26 08:32:36 UTC  

shit mexican grinch is here

2019-12-26 08:33:13 UTC  


2019-12-26 08:33:24 UTC  

his gear do be lookin kinda fresh tho

2019-12-26 08:33:49 UTC  

imagine how much ribbon and wrapping paper he can hold in those deep, velvety red pockets

2019-12-26 08:33:55 UTC  

that's a man that has tested his gear

2019-12-26 10:25:16 UTC

2019-12-26 10:25:53 UTC

2019-12-26 10:26:00 UTC

2019-12-26 10:26:10 UTC

2019-12-26 10:26:23 UTC

2019-12-26 12:24:05 UTC  

do any of u play call of duty
my mtn dew can has a code for something call of duty

2019-12-26 12:43:33 UTC  

I do

2019-12-26 12:47:04 UTC  

well the code is A9A28322 idk what it does

2019-12-26 13:14:44 UTC  

Not to be "that guy", but A.) I don't buy crye, and B.) I'm not looking to spend quite that much
<@&558119990725705748> <@&559951530955112458> <@&559943777024737292> <@&559943292029239296> <@&600465023772524565> <@&559943363785392129> <@&558103330405220383> @Adam

2019-12-26 13:14:59 UTC  

Not to be "that guy", but A.) I don't buy crye, and B.) I'm not looking to spend quite that much

2019-12-26 13:15:11 UTC  

Holy fucking shit. I want to bang the loli rabbit from Touhou 8 so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I reach stage 5 I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of her online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Tewi. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Tewi’s tight rabbit pussy. I want her to have my youkai human/rabbit babies.
Fuck, my fucking mom caught me with the neighbors daughter. I'd dressed her in my sister's pink dress and rabbit ears and went to fucking town. She hasn't said a word to me in 10 hours and I'm worried she's gonna take away my PC and phone. I might not ever get to see Tewi again.

2019-12-26 13:16:03 UTC  

Hello everyone, concerned <@&559943777024737292> father here. Recently, my 11 year old son downloaded the video game "/gq/" after getting <@&558103330405220383> at a friend's house. While I didn't mind at first, it soon began to affect his character. Within a week, he had taken up crye and lbt. When asked to do his homework, he called me a "<@&558119990725705748>" and did a strange dance. His grades have been dropping heavily ever since that day and now he's threatening me with violence. Yesterday I entered his room to see him wearing a jpc and playing extremely loud rave (sinner) music, he has dyed his acus and now refuses to go to Bible Study unless we "take the boogaloo bus". I don't know what that is but he refuses to take any form of transport except that. Please I am so concerned, what do I do?

2019-12-26 13:17:29 UTC  

Attention all <@&559943777024737292> this is not a drill
You are now under virtual house arrest @whore
You've been bad online. <@&559943292029239296>
Now you are under virtual house arrest.
There is going to be FBI, Cops, CIA at your door in 30 seconds if you leave, there is a tracer on your router, don't bother trying to escape <@&558119990725705748>
Untill furthur notice you are my virtual bitch
You WILL remain seated
You WILL NOT get pussy
You WILL NOT get high
You WILL NOT go to the bathroom
You ARE my virtual bitch
The time for reflection is over, enjoy your stay.

2019-12-26 13:18:10 UTC  

Dear😬 all posters📝of <@&558103330405220383>, <@&559944144223469569>s, and @sigbro 😡 💀💀💀💀💀 DONT 🙅🏻‍♂️try to impress us🙄❌, DONT🙅🏻‍♂️ act cool😴around us🤬❌, DONT🙅🏻‍♂️ think u run this discord😎❌, DONT🙅🏻‍♂️ try to boss🤨us around 👏🏼❌, because WE🤪run this discord now🤑 not you🤮,all ill say is KNOW YOUR PLACE😤. WE ARE THE FUTURE 🤯YOUR THE PAST 🤣WELCOME POSTERS OF <@&559943777024737292>😘
with all do respect Sincerely, posters of <@&559943777024737292>🤑😎🔥💯

2019-12-26 13:18:45 UTC  

I’m so tired of lapeer county p.d. Officer Fred Baps badge number 65 Supposed to be protecting us and helping us even we need them and they got officers like this. He sits out In front my house all the time pulled my over in my last 3 cars trying to get me introuble for my windshield and stuff and rips my seats apart and dash apart all to find crumbs of marijuana then raided my house found nothing and counties to sit out infront of my house and harass me Iv put 3 notices in for harassment on him and they still let him sit in front of my house. I’m trying to get this around he’s been nothing but a problem and I gotta solve it some how.

2019-12-26 13:19:20 UTC  

@PunishedSmug where is that copypasta from? Lapeer county is by me lol

2019-12-26 13:19:55 UTC  

I ripped this from a Michigan fb page

2019-12-26 13:20:06 UTC  

It was posted unironically

2019-12-26 13:20:09 UTC  

Lmao that’s fucking gold

2019-12-26 13:20:12 UTC  

I tweaked it a little

2019-12-26 13:20:15 UTC  

Lapeer is nice at tho

2019-12-26 13:20:20 UTC  

It’s all country

2019-12-26 13:20:25 UTC  

U a MI bro?

2019-12-26 13:20:28 UTC  
