Message from @Silly Rabbit, Trix Are For Kids

Discord ID: 554521794279899146

2019-03-11 04:29:09 UTC  

And fun

2019-03-11 04:29:18 UTC  

Others are just the same old shit

2019-03-11 04:29:21 UTC  

And boring

2019-03-11 04:29:30 UTC  

I mean I learn stuff from here too

2019-03-11 04:29:35 UTC  

terry all youre doing is bitching, crying about petty nonsense, not showing evidence, verbally abusing people, and in general trolling

2019-03-11 04:29:37 UTC  

What are these other servers

2019-03-11 04:29:43 UTC  

Like gaming servers

2019-03-11 04:29:51 UTC  

Or some weird erp stuff

2019-03-11 04:29:52 UTC  

@Silly Rabbit, Trix Are For Kids u asked for evidence, it’s not bitching

2019-03-11 04:29:56 UTC  

and somehow its the other people, not terry who are shitty

2019-03-11 04:30:05 UTC  

I’ve given evidence

2019-03-11 04:30:10 UTC  

no you havent

2019-03-11 04:30:19 UTC  

I think ur trolling now

2019-03-11 04:30:24 UTC  

U just don’t wanna believe it

2019-03-11 04:30:30 UTC  

you havent shown me a thing

2019-03-11 04:30:48 UTC  

How am I gonna show u something that happened half an hour ago

2019-03-11 04:31:06 UTC  

When it happened before the mods said it wasn’t in the logs

2019-03-11 04:31:12 UTC  

Mods were getting moved too

2019-03-11 04:31:21 UTC  

terry you claimed you showed me evidence that you hadnt shown me, now youre asking how youre supposed to do that

2019-03-11 04:31:29 UTC  


2019-03-11 04:31:38 UTC  

its getting old dude

2019-03-11 04:31:55 UTC  

For starters when grizzly debates he just calls people names when he doesn’t agree,

2019-03-11 04:32:03 UTC  

And he knows he can’t get in trouble for it

2019-03-11 04:32:19 UTC  

But the first time I called him a name I got muted for shit posting

2019-03-11 04:32:23 UTC  

any e idence?

2019-03-11 04:32:27 UTC  


2019-03-11 04:32:28 UTC  

Look at the logs

2019-03-11 04:32:38 UTC  

I have a shit ton of mutes

2019-03-11 04:32:42 UTC  

there are no logs of what is said in vc

2019-03-11 04:32:45 UTC  

The logs are full of my mutes lol

2019-03-11 04:32:47 UTC  

I don’t talk

2019-03-11 04:32:50 UTC  

I have no mic

2019-03-11 04:32:54 UTC  

It’s all text

2019-03-11 04:33:12 UTC  

@blue terry crews the entire general chat was purged

2019-03-11 04:33:18 UTC  

Voice text too

2019-03-11 04:33:18 UTC  


2019-03-11 04:33:21 UTC  


2019-03-11 04:33:26 UTC  

Safety precaution

2019-03-11 04:33:31 UTC  

What safety

2019-03-11 04:33:35 UTC  

Mods being abusive

2019-03-11 04:33:51 UTC  

when trolls wrongfully claim mods are abusive