Message from @EzkealSutekh
Discord ID: 554816334186414090
Idk wtf happened but we have spiralled into an LSD trip
it is tru nd its effective
Cia did alot of things
they invented lots of things
Cia invented traps
Lots of experiments with lsd
Including mk ultra
Do Russians exist
the scary thing is mk ultra was the low hanging fruit mind control program
Sad thing it was probably that
theres a dozen other agencies with better methods
then royals get scripts that intel have never seen
Speak English
Or ill send you to a fema camp
I'm down
Maybe I'll meet a nice girl and I can show her Mk ultra server and she can let you in on a few secrets
you meen a israeli handler gf?
We should try an experiment with tinfoil, creating a room with walls of tinfoil and another with none, and follow two peoples physiology changes from a screen and xray and thermal cameras in a control room to see if there are changes, they have to switch rooms every day too.
my handler disowned me 😦
wasn't as valuable asset as they thought 😦
Mossad assassin ^^
idk why but ive never done tinfoil whilst under demon/voice to skull attacks
What's that
tinfoil would only work to block EMR if you were encased it in or had a room with it
i thought of it once mid psychosis but im like nah thats fkijn retarded
delet this
delete it
What's this voice to skull attack
voice to skull is hearing voices
they use eeg to map ur brain patterns and correlate it to certain stimuli
tinfoil is actually a very dumb thing, but i would still like to see an actual experiment with it
This is new to me
then they replicate the patterns with sounds and magnets
now that we have 5g
Did 5g happen today?
What do they do this for?