Message from @Musketar (Alex)

Discord ID: 504340921064751115

2018-10-23 17:08:03 UTC  

They were supported by Allied forces, am I right?

2018-10-23 17:08:05 UTC  

the rape of germany by the savages americans,russians

2018-10-23 17:08:07 UTC  


2018-10-23 17:08:11 UTC  

At first

2018-10-23 17:08:34 UTC  

But since Tito rose up people against their king

2018-10-23 17:08:37 UTC  


2018-10-23 17:08:48 UTC  

So they wanted to kill common enemy,fashs

2018-10-23 17:09:38 UTC  

@Adolf Hitler shut up man. Your fucking wehrmacht and SS troops did many things for Soviet people

2018-10-23 17:09:54 UTC  

And Balkans

2018-10-23 17:09:59 UTC  

blahblahblhah communism = jewish invention jewish ideology

2018-10-23 17:10:01 UTC  

For all Europe

2018-10-23 17:10:07 UTC  

Well balkanic people first liked them

2018-10-23 17:10:07 UTC  
2018-10-23 17:10:12 UTC  

this guy is a mexican

2018-10-23 17:10:13 UTC  


2018-10-23 17:10:15 UTC  


2018-10-23 17:10:17 UTC  

rape child

2018-10-23 17:10:21 UTC  

go fuck off

2018-10-23 17:10:40 UTC  

in irish 😛 @Deleted User

2018-10-23 17:10:45 UTC  

Nazi scum raped European culture and civilization

2018-10-23 17:10:48 UTC  

show me the dox you have on me haha

2018-10-23 17:10:54 UTC  


2018-10-23 17:11:00 UTC  

Kick these bitches

2018-10-23 17:11:11 UTC  

It was Hitler who desotoyed jugo

2018-10-23 17:11:20 UTC  

Nationalism has stayed

2018-10-23 17:11:49 UTC  

"ustasas and chetniks will never rest till this country is in ruins" Tito on a party Congress I forgot which one

2018-10-23 17:12:13 UTC  

Oh rly?I tough that book was called black book of communism

2018-10-23 17:12:20 UTC  

Chetniks were Serbian ustas?

2018-10-23 17:12:27 UTC  


2018-10-23 17:12:28 UTC  


2018-10-23 17:12:52 UTC  

I mean did they collaborate with nazis?

2018-10-23 17:12:53 UTC  

Chetniks were monarchists and ortodox Christians while others Croatian nationalists,Fashits and ultra catolics

2018-10-23 17:12:55 UTC  


2018-10-23 17:13:05 UTC  

I mean in that way

2018-10-23 17:13:07 UTC  

They recognised NDH in hotel Bosna

2018-10-23 17:13:17 UTC  

And chetniks swiched sides a lot of times

2018-10-23 17:13:41 UTC  

But their leader was executed after war was over for his crimes

2018-10-23 17:13:42 UTC

2018-10-23 17:13:47 UTC