Message from @rogalik

Discord ID: 654443817671589929

2019-12-11 17:54:32 UTC  

Violentare in italian

2019-12-11 17:54:34 UTC  

I get it

2019-12-11 17:54:49 UTC  

i dont think we have slang for it

2019-12-11 17:54:59 UTC  


2019-12-11 19:27:51 UTC  


2019-12-11 19:27:54 UTC  


2019-12-11 19:27:55 UTC  


2019-12-11 19:28:10 UTC  

and again stupid glueing

2019-12-11 19:28:14 UTC  


2019-12-11 19:28:23 UTC  

wunderschönes kleben 😍

2019-12-11 19:28:39 UTC  


2019-12-11 19:28:44 UTC  


2019-12-11 19:29:37 UTC  

polish klej comes from german kleber

2019-12-11 19:29:53 UTC  


2019-12-11 21:58:54 UTC

2019-12-11 21:59:20 UTC  


2019-12-11 22:00:25 UTC  

Jesus christ imagine having a single city be 20% of your gdp

2019-12-11 22:05:40 UTC  

its not gdp

2019-12-11 22:05:44 UTC  


2019-12-11 22:05:47 UTC  

its per capita in this case

2019-12-11 22:06:05 UTC  

hence why you can get a positive change when you take out Berlin

2019-12-11 22:06:13 UTC  

because Berlin is below average German gdp per capita

2019-12-11 22:06:15 UTC  
2019-12-11 22:14:11 UTC  


2019-12-11 22:53:45 UTC  

but anyway

2019-12-11 22:53:49 UTC  

Warsaw is like 25% of our gdp

2019-12-11 22:53:56 UTC  

Paris is 31% of French gdp

2019-12-12 13:28:05 UTC  

Sprich deutsch husohn

2019-12-13 00:27:47 UTC  

berlin schönefeld kostet deutschland 0,2% reichtum 😂

2019-12-13 00:33:05 UTC  

no kiri, ffs, I already explained, Berlin doesn't cost you any wealth

2019-12-13 00:33:20 UTC  

it's just under average german gdp per capita

2019-12-13 00:33:40 UTC  

so if you substracted berlin from germany, then average german would be 0.2% richer

2019-12-13 00:33:51 UTC  

but you would lose all those germans in berlin and their wealth too

2019-12-13 00:35:04 UTC  

mfw berlin schönefeld actually costs this much

2019-12-13 00:35:10 UTC  

mindblowing if you think about it...

2019-12-13 00:59:42 UTC  

@rogalik the way it works is that if it werent for berlin i would earn 0.2% more money

2019-12-13 00:59:53 UTC  

no thats not the way it works

2019-12-13 15:52:45 UTC  

meine türkenfreundin : )

2019-12-13 15:53:53 UTC  

gar nicht mal so hässlich

2019-12-13 15:53:57 UTC  


2019-12-13 16:03:41 UTC  

@ÜltraÜberGöttKönig abend bruddiiiiiii