Message from @🖤 Limeboo 🖤
Discord ID: 442157772755304448
Tod den Slawen
It retains competing markets, but they are still democratically owned by the workers. @Aidan xD
Hi comrades
@Догмак «Dormak» Сиенфуэгос I smell bullshit.
yeah, same here
i'm here because of the Zer0 Books podcast
i mean, markets still require private property to operate, no?
I love dick
Im a gay trans non binary women
My pronoun is fuck you
someone who's a market socialist explain this to me, i'm woefully under-educated on the topic
U need dick
I havê enough Dick for everyone
the concept is actually pretty interesting to me, even if i don't necessarily agree with it
Dick donation
Since noone here hás a Dick.u migth want one
@Deleted User fag
are we homophobic on /leftypol/
@🖤 Limeboo 🖤 Piss off you commie.
@Deleted User where am i
Your ass.
why are you in my ass
i still don't know too much about market socialism, but i did learn that somebody is either inside his own ass or somebody is inside his ass
I prefer Dick
<:seal:312037860570169345> <:rb:312038543046475776> <:sta:312060692440023040> <:pink:312036766825840640> <:pn:312032035872964608> <:pio:312034352588652544> <:hrt:312036949453963264> <:kgb:313709638128369676> <:hot:312059167634620417> <:classi:312043060475199488> <:leni:312041955896983554> <:hmr:312055710978670592> <:rbl:312038341736529923> <:rf:312044696727846934>
Commies want dick
Commies suck dick
Commies like dick
Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick DickDickDickDickDickDickDick
Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick DickDickDickDickDickDickDick
Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick DickDickDickDickDickDickDick
Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick DickDickDickDickDickDickDick
Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick Dick DickDickDickDickDickDickDick