Message from @Hagel
Discord ID: 494256808387543041
inb4 wahhabism man saying he wants to stone gays
and that if these divisions would be destroyed, then the revolution could happen
that’s cringe
that doesn’t make sense
Being a Marxist, that's your doctrine
But these days you people make even less sense
abrahamic religion is anti materialistic
now you just pretend that every one is the same
capitalism is materialistic
abrahamic religion is also polygamist
which is sexist
and oppressive
in the past you pretended that they could become the same
nobody has to be the same
abraham had many wives and concubines, and islam actively practices that, which oppresses women
they just have to remove the bourgeois and take ownership of the MOP for socialism to come out
how are you going to handle your sexism
you clearly have an extraordinary amount of white male privilege to think abrahamic religion is not even problematic. You're dog whistling hard
Religious divisions will disappear
Racism will disappear
All of it
lol what
capitalism needs the poor
libs = the left sweety
ThirdWorldPerspectiveToday at 11:20 PM
lol what
capitalism needs the poor``` What does this have to do with what I said?
i meant
> Yes, just remove everyone who isn't poor, and people will unite
Do you even understand what I said?
according to this you are in the top 44.8% of the world for being able to afford a computer
yeah I could understand how a fox news fan like you would be resistant to science and facts
im a fox news fan