Message from @tao lin
Discord ID: 494257741901070338
yeah I could understand how a fox news fan like you would be resistant to science and facts
im a fox news fan
You said that they just have to remove the oppressive classes for socialism to emerge
But where's the socialism for the enslaved woman?
For the fag who gets kicked off from a roof?
Yes, you did
here you are in a supposed "leftist" server pushing abrahamic sexist female oppression religion using your white male privilege
this is appalling
ThirdWorldPerspectiveToday at 11:19 PM
they just have to remove the bourgeois and take ownership of the MOP for socialism to come out
they have to remove the bourgeoisie and seize the MOP
that’s not removing the oppressive classes
The bourgeois is an oppressive class
It oppresses the proletareat
the bourgeois are A oppressive class
@here please be aware of @tao lin pushing oppression of women, false notions of gender, and white male privilege. I think he may be a right wing troll, he said he is a fox news fan
there are still other classes
Now you're just splitting hairs to avoid the real issue
By nitpicking about a class versus classes in how I quoted you
instead of addressing that Jews and muslims will never unite in socialism
because they hate each other
you’re pretending that the ebil mooslims are gonna kill all gay people on sight therefor we can’t overthrow the bourgeoisie and seize the MOP
literally what
A poor muslim has more in common with a rich muslim, than he has with a poor jew
that's why it won't happen
that’s an opinion
not really an argument
That's what they themselves say
poor muslims and jews live together in israel
and behave like
what are you talking about
Poor muslims and Jews kill each other in Israel
you’re retarded
that’s why israel has signs in hebrew and arabic
because they just murder each other on sight
@here @tao lin has now begun using racism to continue enforcing his white male privilege and abrahamic, religious right oppression of women. He is a definite right wing troll
is this is the state of the right wing?