Message from @Borzo

Discord ID: 503913338951172096

2018-10-22 12:48:49 UTC  

Except you wouldn't know

2018-10-22 12:48:51 UTC  

its just delusional bs

2018-10-22 12:48:57 UTC  

Because you never read it

2018-10-22 12:49:03 UTC  

I've read some of it

2018-10-22 12:49:06 UTC  

its pretty bs

2018-10-22 12:49:29 UTC  

Do you charge us with wanting to stop the exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime we plead guilty.

2018-10-22 12:49:43 UTC  


2018-10-22 12:50:02 UTC  

Child labor is illegal

2018-10-22 12:50:05 UTC  

same for slavery

2018-10-22 12:50:28 UTC  

Not in the capitalist era, when capitalists determine that that was 'true capitalism'

2018-10-22 12:50:35 UTC  

Yes it is

2018-10-22 12:50:39 UTC  

"But you Communists would introduce community of women!" screams the bourgeoisie in chorus.

2018-10-22 12:50:53 UTC  


2018-10-22 12:50:59 UTC  

Have you ever heard of chimney sweeps?

2018-10-22 12:51:02 UTC  

why are you so full of dumb strawmen?

2018-10-22 12:51:08 UTC  

Or children working in factories?

2018-10-22 12:51:24 UTC  

You mean in the past?

2018-10-22 12:51:28 UTC  

Denying that children don't work in factories anymore is complete bs

2018-10-22 12:51:29 UTC  

Which is also illegal now

2018-10-22 12:51:40 UTC  

No they work a lot less

2018-10-22 12:51:42 UTC  

Not in china and third world countries

2018-10-22 12:51:45 UTC  

in factories now

2018-10-22 12:51:52 UTC  

I dont care for china and the third world

2018-10-22 12:52:01 UTC  

And no, china is not communist in any way or form

2018-10-22 12:52:13 UTC  

Yet you import cheap labour from these places

2018-10-22 12:52:25 UTC  

I dont but people do

2018-10-22 12:52:26 UTC  

Ever heard of "made in china"

2018-10-22 12:52:30 UTC  

I dont care what they do

2018-10-22 12:52:39 UTC  

Yes and?

2018-10-22 12:52:44 UTC  

Blame the chinese government

2018-10-22 12:52:48 UTC  

What private property do you own?

2018-10-22 12:52:57 UTC  

None so far

2018-10-22 12:53:01 UTC  

Im studying

2018-10-22 12:53:03 UTC  

And your family?

2018-10-22 12:54:08 UTC  

Some mine company in ghana and a building for ghanian passports I cant remember exactly what they do
and my father works at a bank to make sure nobody steals from it. So like fraud.

2018-10-22 12:54:30 UTC  

Not chinese though

2018-10-22 12:54:46 UTC  

I dont care for china

2018-10-22 12:54:54 UTC  

Yet Ghana still has child labour

2018-10-22 12:55:33 UTC  


2018-10-22 12:55:48 UTC  

Is it legal?

2018-10-22 12:56:15 UTC  

You claim to be free from child labour in china, yet ignore my argument that it happens in third world