Message from @Arch_NME

Discord ID: 412031668615118877

2018-02-10 23:42:28 UTC  

its clearly committing fraud

2018-02-10 23:42:40 UTC  

also, you realize that blacks get VA disablity benfits at a far higher rate than white veterens

2018-02-10 23:42:47 UTC  

not because they are getting hurt more either

2018-02-10 23:43:02 UTC  

they jsut have no morals to want to scam the system for benefits

2018-02-10 23:43:25 UTC  

the majority of black vetereans are in fact on some % of VA disability

2018-02-10 23:43:54 UTC  

(ya know if people can scam our va system we need to fix it clearly

2018-02-10 23:43:58 UTC  

they generally just don't see it as immoral

2018-02-10 23:44:13 UTC  

we do, but it also speak to the character of the people is what I'm saying

2018-02-10 23:44:25 UTC  

yeah educate people on this crap

2018-02-10 23:44:28 UTC  

people lying to get free money

2018-02-10 23:44:45 UTC  

from what i know they do check aswell

2018-02-10 23:44:47 UTC  

I mean yeah, we can stop some of them maybe by checking things better but that has a cost also

2018-02-10 23:44:53 UTC  

so maybe they are just better at finding them

2018-02-10 23:45:15 UTC  

they plot this shit the whole time they are in

2018-02-10 23:45:31 UTC  

the jsut go the the doctor every couple months complain my back hurts by knee hurts

2018-02-10 23:45:35 UTC  

build up paperwork

2018-02-10 23:45:43 UTC  

that's all there is to it

2018-02-10 23:46:00 UTC  

I mean what do oyu want the VA to do about it?

2018-02-10 23:46:10 UTC  

how can they prove who is in pain and who isn't?

2018-02-10 23:46:33 UTC  

fuck the pain

2018-02-10 23:46:44 UTC  

they then jsut say it's from all that exercise in the army and bam tha'ts an easy 10% or 20% disability

2018-02-10 23:46:56 UTC  

we need x rays

2018-02-10 23:47:04 UTC  

people jsut complain and complain and work the system

2018-02-10 23:47:13 UTC  

it's the sqeeky wheel that gets greased

2018-02-10 23:47:37 UTC  

then you've got some guy who just has acual back pain maybe but he jsut sucks it up like a man, and goes to work everyday

2018-02-10 23:47:52 UTC  

cus he jsut has a more moral character

2018-02-10 23:48:01 UTC  

hmm how bout minimum number of requests

2018-02-10 23:48:18 UTC  

or you only get checked after your done

2018-02-10 23:48:18 UTC bout less black people

2018-02-10 23:48:25 UTC  

or a bone is broken

2018-02-10 23:48:41 UTC  

I'm not disagreeing with you

2018-02-10 23:48:45 UTC  

two reasons a lot of white people do the same shit but they lie o their applications

2018-02-10 23:48:49 UTC  

but that has it's own costs and problems

2018-02-10 23:48:56 UTC  

maybe its pride

2018-02-10 23:48:57 UTC  

some white people do it to

2018-02-10 23:49:00 UTC  

the rate is less though

2018-02-10 23:49:06 UTC  

theres more white people

2018-02-10 23:49:08 UTC  

far less

2018-02-10 23:49:19 UTC  

so there can be less influence

2018-02-10 23:49:27 UTC  

right, for now

2018-02-10 23:49:29 UTC  

within culture