Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 412147431527153675

2018-02-11 07:19:35 UTC  

the real progressives are probably just moderates

2018-02-11 07:21:51 UTC  

id welcome a president of any race so long as they agreed with my views heck id argue capitalists are more liberal than any of these "liberals"

2018-02-11 07:22:30 UTC  

socialism is not liberalism

2018-02-11 07:22:39 UTC  

racism is not liberalism

2018-02-11 07:22:43 UTC  

the democrat party

2018-02-11 07:22:47 UTC  

emobodies this

2018-02-11 07:23:05 UTC  

yeah it is

2018-02-11 07:23:53 UTC  

france has fucked up a lot of countries

2018-02-11 07:23:58 UTC  

like Libya and burnika faso

2018-02-11 07:24:03 UTC  

by using nato

2018-02-11 07:24:07 UTC  

to get its way

2018-02-11 07:24:14 UTC  

yes it is a cancer

2018-02-11 07:24:42 UTC  

i don't know recently the U.N has been doing good at saying no to israel

2018-02-11 07:24:51 UTC  

The eu should be sanctioned

2018-02-11 07:25:36 UTC  

i think we could use our u.n seat to help pass resolutions against israel

2018-02-11 07:25:54 UTC  

and other states

2018-02-11 07:26:19 UTC  

the west bank isn't israel

2018-02-11 07:26:25 UTC  

im upse they occupy it

2018-02-11 07:26:27 UTC  

they shouldnt

2018-02-11 07:26:39 UTC  

they shouldn't occupy half the land they do now

2018-02-11 07:26:45 UTC  

its blatant imperialism

2018-02-11 07:26:50 UTC  

and we have tolerated it to long

2018-02-11 07:27:42 UTC  

if we actually helped find a two state solution and help palestine

2018-02-11 07:27:47 UTC  

at the miniumum

2018-02-11 07:27:52 UTC  

wed be viewed a lot better

2018-02-11 07:28:22 UTC  

i do because it effects our economy

2018-02-11 07:28:45 UTC  

@The American#0304 so you want america to be rich

2018-02-11 07:28:51 UTC  

and others to be poor

2018-02-11 07:29:12 UTC  

i do want us to be rich first than help the little guy if it wont hurt us

2018-02-11 07:29:32 UTC  

its easy

2018-02-11 07:30:06 UTC  

hmm i just thought of something

2018-02-11 07:30:21 UTC  

how bout i give Palestine all of southern Israel and demand they accept this

2018-02-11 07:30:24 UTC  

aswell as palestine

2018-02-11 07:30:33 UTC  

or else we will invade both and declare it American territory

2018-02-11 07:31:41 UTC you sound like theese guys @The American#0304 but replace serbs with american

2018-02-11 07:32:02 UTC  

stop funding them

2018-02-11 07:34:27 UTC  

funding foreign countries is bad in general

2018-02-11 07:34:40 UTC  

and isolationism until emergency is the key indeed

2018-02-11 07:36:08 UTC  

fun fact did you know Americas abortion laws are actual the most left in the world

2018-02-11 07:36:28 UTC  

and the rest of the world criticizes us for having it not left enough

2018-02-11 07:36:58 UTC  

i just don't like nations being hypocrites