Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 413614990973468672
well were all apes on a rock floating in space
Fucking commies lol.
the middle east invented countries
>referring to a jewtube video
where were you
why would anyone want to secede from America were free and strong
the confederates who fought either had no choice
or were more loyal to their state than to the good ole usa
Long live america
@Deleted User sorry I'm an on a pro America pro nationalist campaign
right now so i cant bother to talk to much
@Blackhawk342 greetings
@Deleted User Long live america
America beat you once
it will beat you again
america is the last free nation
t. 56%
Snipers that shot people in Kiev on Maidan start talking.
This is today's
Y’all tankie?
i am an american a nationalist and an internet troll in that order @Deleted User Long live america
heil america
heil hitler
Prove it.
Prove your mom
That makes no sense.
You make no sense
Hope you fags enjoy feminine penis