Message from @Brickiest Brick
Discord ID: 415433565157982209
and no i am no centrist
>adical centrism
small brain's my name, radical centrism is my game
we need genetically engineered catboys
This is ur hormones on centrism
i hate centrism honestly
it is the only political ideology that i genuinely hate
i do not respect centrists
if you're going to be centrist just don't be involved with politics
Just watch anime
i dont know a lot of communists watch anime
and the fascists really hate anime for some reason
not sure why
Half of the xommies on twitter have anime avis too no?
the fascists contradict themselves way too much
I think everyone does
I see it on both sides
well yeah everyone does
some more than others but yes
Basically everyone elses mom is gay
it's true
i don't even like the idea of political ideologies
like just choose what works the best from the information you gather
U have extreme centrism
i diasnosey yuo with gay
if i had extreme centrism i wouldnt be a libertarian
i just look centrist because everyone on the fucking internet political community seems to be so far to the left and right that it's ridiculous
i did it again
im tired
You went centrist again
how is not being far left or far right being centrist
must i pick one