Message from @jakub stachurski

Discord ID: 453673040199548940

2018-06-04 23:02:13 UTC  

Australia has highest HDiI index

2018-06-04 23:02:47 UTC  

its Norway

2018-06-04 23:03:16 UTC  

and tbh Australia is great but it's kind of outlier still

2018-06-04 23:03:22 UTC  

ok sorry
I have an international pal frin Norway

2018-06-04 23:03:30 UTC  

you have what?

2018-06-04 23:03:56 UTC  

I am drunk

2018-06-04 23:03:58 UTC  

Most of the top countries by HDI are from Western Europe

2018-06-04 23:04:04 UTC  

oh ok

2018-06-04 23:04:20 UTC  

>Most of the top countries by HDI are from Western Europe
that's tue

2018-06-04 23:06:54 UTC  

i think i gonna go sleep

2018-06-04 23:06:54 UTC  


2018-06-04 23:09:18 UTC  

good night baby

2018-06-05 17:14:14 UTC  


2018-06-05 17:15:47 UTC  


2018-06-05 17:15:48 UTC  


2018-06-05 17:15:53 UTC  

why are you reeing

2018-06-05 17:17:00 UTC  

@Sayonara Braincells migrate to the Netherlands when

2018-06-05 17:24:43 UTC  

I’m doing good how r u

2018-06-05 17:24:57 UTC  

I can’t break my plateau tbh

2018-06-05 17:27:01 UTC  

When I'm out of school <:nepunia:273463644338126849>

2018-06-05 21:34:41 UTC  

piec kilo

2018-06-05 21:34:42 UTC  


2018-06-06 09:10:50 UTC

2018-06-06 09:10:53 UTC  

dfak hapy birgtdong pushkin

2018-06-06 16:35:10 UTC  

^ remember to block this guy

2018-06-06 16:58:17 UTC

2018-06-06 16:58:18 UTC  

gosh anon, you are such a loser

2018-06-07 16:50:28 UTC  

@jakub stachurski who the fuck you are

2018-06-07 16:55:25 UTC

2018-06-07 16:59:46 UTC  

so you are serbene freedom fighter?

2018-06-07 17:00:34 UTC  

who are you again

2018-06-07 17:02:12 UTC  


2018-06-07 17:02:30 UTC  

you didn't answer for my question first

2018-06-07 17:03:01 UTC  

do i know you?????????????????????????????????????? private nobody

2018-06-07 17:03:16 UTC  

my name is jakub stachurski i live in krakow i am a famous polish transsexual

2018-06-07 17:04:36 UTC  

and why you disgrace Mauzer's name mr. transsexual

2018-06-07 17:06:41 UTC  

just becous i am so englithtened i know it is the rights thing to do ;)

2018-06-07 17:07:49 UTC  

Mauzer would kill you on the spot faggot

2018-06-07 17:08:49 UTC  

@Sgn he's a troll

2018-06-07 17:08:55 UTC  

wow ok i bet you kiss girls too

2018-06-07 17:09:03 UTC  

@rogalik sklej pzide smieciu hurr powazny biznes