Message from @rogalik

Discord ID: 501516847561048074

2018-10-15 22:03:31 UTC  

As in the only make threads about how butthurt they are about germany or russia

2018-10-15 22:03:34 UTC  


2018-10-15 22:03:42 UTC  

And polan stronk :Dddd

2018-10-15 22:03:56 UTC  

they can't like discuss about actual /int/ things

2018-10-15 22:03:56 UTC  

>As in the only make threads about how butthurt they are about germany or russia
yeah, ok, that's pretty dumb

2018-10-15 22:04:02 UTC  

only their own shit

2018-10-15 22:04:08 UTC  

they cant get a broader perspective

2018-10-15 22:04:09 UTC  

idk why

2018-10-15 22:04:17 UTC  

actually a lot of russians are quite /int/ but for poles meh

2018-10-15 22:04:24 UTC  

I used to post a lot of butthurt threads too

2018-10-15 22:04:26 UTC  

Kaiser are you from germany?

2018-10-15 22:04:31 UTC  


2018-10-15 22:04:35 UTC  


2018-10-15 22:04:51 UTC  

we've had a quite quality german here once

2018-10-15 22:04:54 UTC  

actually he was really nice

2018-10-15 22:05:17 UTC  

but I annoyed him with my constant attacks on far-right and he left : /

2018-10-15 22:05:28 UTC  

would he take back Stettin to the motherland if I asked him nicely?

2018-10-15 22:06:07 UTC  

I really dont like when germans talk about us as of some inferior apes

2018-10-15 22:07:13 UTC  

^ butthurt pole

2018-10-15 22:07:47 UTC  

wasn't this guy german @Kethausi

2018-10-15 22:08:54 UTC  

oh i guess idk

2018-10-15 22:09:03 UTC  

@Deleted User how old are you

2018-10-15 22:50:54 UTC  

Polish boysssss

2018-10-15 22:51:07 UTC  

@rogalikare you still single ?

2018-10-15 22:51:13 UTC  


2018-10-15 22:51:17 UTC  


2018-10-15 22:51:58 UTC  

@rogalikif you came to croatia i could find gf for you :33

2018-10-15 22:52:07 UTC  


2018-10-15 22:52:09 UTC  

oh my

2018-10-15 22:52:09 UTC  

but without penis ?

2018-10-15 22:52:20 UTC  

just chop it off

2018-10-15 22:52:21 UTC  


2018-10-15 22:52:51 UTC  


2018-10-15 22:52:59 UTC  

@rogalik yes beautiful girl

2018-10-15 22:53:05 UTC  

>chop off benis

2018-10-15 22:53:12 UTC  

post belly

2018-10-15 22:53:12 UTC  

Just come to Croatia <3

2018-10-15 23:43:29 UTC  


2018-10-15 23:46:07 UTC  

have you head about the woman in the background?

2018-10-15 23:47:58 UTC  

there is the version of this painting by the same author with democratic party presidents