Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 417148510299881492

2018-02-25 01:33:11 UTC  


2018-02-25 01:33:15 UTC  

let me check actually

2018-02-25 01:33:37 UTC  

Drommels is gay

2018-02-25 01:34:17 UTC  

Its a digital copy and its been awhile since i downloaded it

2018-02-25 01:34:25 UTC  

@Deleted User Because, if it is anything other than the reich approved stalag edition and hasn't been editted in any way, then it is untrustworthy to cite from, because it will suffer the same fate as the bible, and be editted.

2018-02-25 01:35:03 UTC  

cant be bothered to site a version of the book in a language i cant read

2018-02-25 01:35:11 UTC  

to prove something that even natsocs will admit

2018-02-25 01:36:03 UTC  

@Firefly how and why did you invite me

2018-02-25 01:37:34 UTC  

good edits

2018-02-25 01:37:42 UTC  

no but seriously

2018-02-25 01:37:52 UTC  

is this how the leftist borg expands?

2018-02-25 01:38:01 UTC  

you send invites to people named after STASI tactics?

2018-02-25 01:38:04 UTC  

@Deleted User You mean you got a version of the book you coulden't read? What the fuck?

2018-02-25 01:38:20 UTC  

Get some reading comprehension skills

2018-02-25 01:38:45 UTC  

The version i have isnt the german version your asking and I dont feel like citing it

2018-02-25 01:39:16 UTC  

@Deleted User It isn't in german, it's the only reich approved english version to exist.

2018-02-25 02:37:14 UTC  

>h'white nationalism

2018-02-25 02:37:44 UTC  

Is this Dusseldorf Redguard kid one of the no-brains that thinks Hitler wanted to le genocide Slavs or something

2018-02-25 02:38:19 UTC  

Without realizing most western slavs even now hail from the same ancestor Aryan race Hitler constantly spoke about

2018-02-25 02:38:40 UTC  

And on that basis wouldn't have killed them because they're part of that general bloodline?

2018-02-25 02:39:15 UTC  

Nor does he realize I imagine the whole idea of lebensraum would be to gain land and area to grow crops to settle surplus Germans and feed the entirety of the nation right?

2018-02-25 02:39:53 UTC  
2018-02-25 02:40:17 UTC  

The spergs who come up with these conspiracy theories about how "GERMANY WANTS TO KILL SLAVS" get the rope

2018-02-25 02:40:19 UTC  


2018-02-25 02:40:20 UTC  


2018-02-25 02:40:35 UTC  

Germany did want to kill Eastern Slavs

2018-02-25 02:40:37 UTC  

Now if you want to talk about the Mongoloids

2018-02-25 02:40:43 UTC  

More like force them back east

2018-02-25 02:41:03 UTC  

At the time it was thought the USSR was trying to mongrelize the west so they could control the people more easily

2018-02-25 02:41:09 UTC  


2018-02-25 02:41:16 UTC  

Poles too, The others would have been spared cause they would be allies

2018-02-25 02:41:36 UTC  

Poles are not Mongoloids Poles are closer to Germans than most R1a Slavs

2018-02-25 02:41:45 UTC  

"At the time it was thought the USSR was trying to mongrelize the west so they could control the people more easily"

2018-02-25 02:41:53 UTC  

Nobody believed that lol

2018-02-25 02:41:57 UTC  


2018-02-25 02:42:29 UTC  

Nobody huh

2018-02-25 02:42:33 UTC  

And Hitler considered the Chinese and Japanese as Honorary aryans

2018-02-25 02:42:51 UTC  

So muh Mongoloids holds even less water

2018-02-25 02:42:59 UTC  

Not really

2018-02-25 02:43:28 UTC  

If Germany had to face a nation that utilized Chinese in their armies then there would have been more anti-Chink speak