Message from @alines

Discord ID: 417332470644736012

2018-02-25 14:44:35 UTC  

Anyone wanna debate?

2018-02-25 14:44:59 UTC  

evidently, i'm in no condition for it

2018-02-25 14:45:01 UTC  

We can debate about what National Socialism is.

2018-02-25 14:45:11 UTC  

It's not an ideology.

2018-02-25 14:45:53 UTC  

Then what is it?

2018-02-25 14:45:58 UTC  

You should know this.

2018-02-25 14:46:07 UTC  

@Comrade August#0181 but i'm a bit confused as to why an anarcho-communist would call anarchists gay

2018-02-25 14:46:36 UTC  

oh, looks like i drove augustus out

2018-02-25 14:47:01 UTC  

National Socialism is a worldview because it does not only seek political power. It’s a world-view because it holds the fundamental values of race, folk, nationalism, socialism, the community and our goal is to permeate these values into every sphere. See we do not mere wish to win election we want to change the whole outlook of our people. This means the whole of cultural life - art - theater - movie - education. We want the whole of society to embrace these values. It will start from the bottom and go up. You as a person can be the change that you want to see in others. When you embrace National Socialism, you view life differently. You know that your place on earth is not to be spilled on simple things as drinking away your life. That you are meant to be the best that you can be. That means taking care of yourself, exercising, reading etc

2018-02-25 14:48:04 UTC  

To everyone who says National Socialism is an ideology^^

2018-02-25 14:48:32 UTC  

If you speak about NS Germany that is something else. Hitler harnessed the idea of the eternal laws of nature and made a race based ideology off it.

2018-02-25 14:48:42 UTC  

soooo you're just a racist

2018-02-25 14:48:59 UTC  

go join hitler and mussolini, asshole

2018-02-25 14:49:00 UTC  

@nerd#0001 I am not. National Socialism is for each and every race, not one specifically.

2018-02-25 14:49:11 UTC  

What is the end goal of National Socialism?

2018-02-25 14:49:27 UTC  

Hitler did not invent National Socialism, he is only seen as an idol to some National Socialists.

2018-02-25 14:49:38 UTC  

@alines Mussolini was a fascist.

2018-02-25 14:49:47 UTC  

Wagwan people

2018-02-25 14:49:58 UTC  

Want me to show you the definition of National Socialism?

2018-02-25 14:50:05 UTC  

What the goal of National Socialism is?

2018-02-25 14:50:14 UTC  

especially after the night of long knives.
people REALLY started to "worship" hitler then

2018-02-25 14:50:28 UTC  

It's not to exterminate each race, it is for each race to be not ruled by another, but live on it's own

2018-02-25 14:50:33 UTC  
2018-02-25 14:50:46 UTC  

That is the end goal of National Socialism.

2018-02-25 14:51:12 UTC  

It is not made for a specific race it is made for all races, it follows the eternal laws of racer that no person is equal, but in fact inequal.

2018-02-25 14:51:33 UTC  

You should educate yourself on more of what National Socialism is and what Hitlerist National Socialism is.

2018-02-25 14:51:48 UTC  

There is major differences.

2018-02-25 14:52:11 UTC  

so it's RACIAL anarchism.
Hitler is like the superracist version of Marx and Lenin then.
NOW it makes perfect sense

2018-02-25 14:52:40 UTC  


2018-02-25 14:52:42 UTC  


2018-02-25 14:52:44 UTC  

@alines It is was not invented by Hitler, you still use Hitler as an example, when he is not even the one who invented it. No one invented National Socialism.

2018-02-25 14:52:56 UTC  

You have to realize that.

2018-02-25 14:53:04 UTC  

You are talking about Hitlerist National Socialism.

2018-02-25 14:53:08 UTC  

nobody should ever trust nazis.
for all the same reasons as ML.
Marx did not invent socialism

2018-02-25 14:53:18 UTC  

@alines Every Nazi is dead.

2018-02-25 14:54:13 UTC  

The "Nazi" term was only used under and after WWII, while National Socialists believes in that National Socialism has existed (because of the eternal laws of nature has always existed) before WWII.

2018-02-25 14:54:32 UTC  

You've not educated yourself about anything that National Socialism is.

2018-02-25 14:54:51 UTC  

I'll send you the full definiton, here:

2018-02-25 14:54:52 UTC  

National socialism means an absolute, irrevocable and uncompromising fight against the very philosophical foundations of this modern rotten world order. National Socialism is not like the usual political directions which just represent some group interest that is of materialistic orientation. The others aim is just to piece something together that is sufficiently vague and vapid to attract enough voting from the dumb masses. National Socialism is not this. National Socialism is a world-view a complete philosophy of life. In National Socialism you regard all phenomena in our society from one and the same angle. so that every single aspect becomes part of the unified whole. National Socialism is based on scientific truth. Unlike everything else National Socialism has not been invented. It has always existed since it derives from the Eternal Laws of our nature. National Socialism is the application of physical and biological laws to the political, economic and social areas of human life. As a National Socialist you need to accept the scientifically proven fact that all races of man are different not only in appearance but also with regards to their mental and intellectual characters. That all humans are not equal - but unequal. We want to see a proud and harmonious people who are confident of themselves and their mission in life. National Socialism is the spark of freedom that lies dormant in every race. That says they don’t want to be ruled by anyone else but to rule themselves without interference from some foreign people.

2018-02-25 14:55:38 UTC  

Keyword is "every race"

2018-02-25 14:55:49 UTC  

there is someone in here who identifies as a nazi