Message from @EthRabbi

Discord ID: 417637425054089216

2018-02-26 10:45:47 UTC  

Nationalism is Superior

2018-02-26 10:46:03 UTC  

your ideology is filled with a motley crew of potheads, degenerates and jews

2018-02-26 10:46:48 UTC  

i'm not an anti-semite so that's not going to work on me my dude

2018-02-26 10:46:57 UTC  

neither am I

2018-02-26 10:47:17 UTC  

pointing out the fact that Jews love communism has nothing to do with hating Jews

2018-02-26 10:47:35 UTC  

facts are facts

2018-02-26 10:47:36 UTC  

i dunno, you piled them in with "potheads" and "degenerates"

2018-02-26 10:47:46 UTC  

i think you have a less than favorable opinion of jews

2018-02-26 10:48:03 UTC  

I have a very favourable opinion of jews

2018-02-26 10:48:06 UTC  

for example

2018-02-26 10:48:10 UTC  

Steven Miller

2018-02-26 10:48:14 UTC  

an American hero

2018-02-26 10:48:44 UTC  

"i have a black friend"

2018-02-26 10:50:52 UTC  

it’s pretty simple

2018-02-26 10:50:59 UTC  

anti racist is a code word for anti white

2018-02-26 10:51:22 UTC  

the establishment is more than happy to endorse majority non white nations

2018-02-26 10:51:37 UTC  

but when it comes to the preservation of the European heritage and culture?

2018-02-26 10:51:48 UTC  

No, that is literally Hitler!

2018-02-26 10:52:40 UTC  

If you can’t see the blatant anti white hypocrisy you are brainwashed. It is in the interests of the world for ALL cultures to remain homogenised, unique, and beautifully so.

2018-02-26 10:59:38 UTC  

i don't think that is the best interest of anybody

2018-02-26 11:02:01 UTC  

Then you are delusional. A global society, with globalised culture, is the inevitable “end point” of such thinking, and the only result of that is the supreme erosion of national identity and history. There is intrinsic value in the accomplishments and failures of our ancestors; it is wrong to ignore this in favour of some global supraculture.

2018-02-26 11:03:11 UTC  

The nation-state is the ONLY successful manner whereupon we can organise the globe. And it is in the interest of all that we organise these nation states such that people will a similar past, and therefore a common future, abide together. From there does true peace arise.

2018-02-26 11:08:35 UTC  

i don't think that history will suddenly disappear if we don't nationalize

2018-02-26 11:12:31 UTC  

No one is arguing that history will disappear - it is our wilful ignorance of its reality which threatens the globe and the preservation of the beautifully unique diversity of human cultures. Already we see the Americanisation of the East eradicating entire languages and cultures in India - but the ravages have already gone through Europe itself. White guilt, instead of the accomplishments of the European man, are taught in our institutions as an emphasis - and that has led Europe to lose faith in the institutions which previously stabilised its morality, such as Christianity. This is not a sustainable route - it is the route down to meaningless, consumerist nihilism.

2018-02-26 11:13:50 UTC  

white guilt is a meme

2018-02-26 11:14:12 UTC  

If that suffices to prove that you don’t have a rebuttal, so be it.

2018-02-26 11:14:42 UTC  

no i mean i don't think white guilt is a real thing

2018-02-26 11:18:04 UTC  

You are wrong. We should be taught about the atrocities Europeans committed in history but it should be a minority of what is learnt in the national curriculum. Why? Because look at the objective indicators of the good Europeans have done for the world as opposed to the bad. Most Brits couldn’t name their first PM, most Germans can’t name who founded their constitution. But everyone knows everything about colonialism and genocide, because the school system pretends it isn’t an inherent evil of emerging civilisations and instills into the minds of young Europeans that we should be sorry instead of proud of our past.

2018-02-26 11:21:05 UTC  

i don't know of anyone who really wants you to apologize for those things. you said yourself it's important to learn from the mistakes of the past

2018-02-26 11:21:56 UTC  

that's just your ignorance

2018-02-26 11:22:07 UTC  

every leftie globalist government wants that

2018-02-26 11:22:33 UTC  

otherwise they wouldn't be pumping all that bullshit into your brain through the education system

2018-02-26 11:22:55 UTC  

okay so we should erase history by downplaying the bad parts

2018-02-26 11:23:20 UTC  

no, but you shouldn't focus merely on the bad parts in a way designed to make you feel guilty about it

2018-02-26 11:23:25 UTC  

Nowhere is our education system is the FACT that EUROPEANS have nearly eradicated poverty off the face of this earth peddled. Why is that? Why is it that our education system focuses only on the aspects of white history so as to provoke GUILT? Have you ever for once considered this? Did you know that because of EUROPEAN free market ideas and vaccinations, poverty has been reduced by 90%... worldwide?

2018-02-26 11:23:49 UTC  

not to mention much of those bad parts is lies

2018-02-26 11:23:54 UTC  

and half truths

2018-02-26 11:24:20 UTC  

But of course the communists continue to harp on about how “unjust” the world is. Why? Because they aren’t educated on how good the EUROPEANS have made the world through their societal advancements.

2018-02-26 11:24:49 UTC  

A 90% global reduction in poverty, yet the socialists continue to claim the European model doesn’t work. An absurdity.

2018-02-26 11:25:10 UTC  

i'm white and i have never once felt guilty about things my ancestors did. do you know why? because i didn't do it. that's the same reason i don't feel pride in what my ancestors did