Message from @ed
Discord ID: 419659438941798429
how will the goyim soy boy ever recover
haha SOYim
this is the meme to end all memes
@Deleted User ayy
@Deleted User let me guess your a falangist
@Deleted User Have you thought about your beliefs while you were gone?
Stalin was not rascist in hardly any sense.
Franco was not socialist either.
phalangism > falangism
@Deleted User >Wikipedia
Wew lad, throw me something that has substance.
wikipedia is full of sources
check the sources they r at the page bottom
then you see which sources are good and which are shut
^ This
@Deleted User Gee, I don't know, maybe because anybody can edit it and can cite biased and infactual sources as legitimate.
Almost like Rex Collis is allergic to facts
@Deleted User Not in every case, and, like I said, anybody can cite any biased source as legitimate, I remember distinctly in the past, when looking at articles regarding the self proclaimed "rascist white south", there were anarchist, and fucking LA times articles that were cited in them, and that was in articles that you had to have an account and mod permission to submit to.
The satellite? Why do you need to show me that?
>State owned
Mutually exclusive.
@Deleted User Sputnik is a good news source
The government could state anything on their news stations, and make any reports that they want to.
Please for the love of god tell me you are memeing, the russian government is renowned for being untrustworthy.
their articles are actually fine
I agree
Where are these (((sources))) that the Russian government is untrustworthy?
@Deleted User The alleged plane crash? All of the syrian war news about ISIS, and more? I swear to god, the russian government has claimed almost 3-5 times now that the leader of ISIS has been killed.
The russian government would put out falsified news, because it help them gain support for things they like, and their government directly, it is electronic warfare in the form of news.
Ok but where are the actual sources
@Deleted User You must really be naive to believe that the russian government could do no wrong, and that they are always truthful.
Russia acts against the US, ergo Israel's interests in the Middle East. How are these (unsourced) claims not anything more than Jewish slander?
franco was not falangist
he a faggotist
From my knowledge he was just some anti-communist dictator
He was a fashfag.
@Deleted User Franco wasn't socialist or fascist