Message from @Billy Ray Jenkins
Discord ID: 420368685803241489
Also the uniform does help
I thought the Speech was cancelled
but it looks as if it happened
The question end of the day is which one of you Ni🅱🅱as are using the skull masks i gave you guys in shelbyville
Masks are your friend
so is Camo paint
#Proud of My Bowl
@everyone check my FB for the start of us fucking up those niggers
Johan Carollo on Facebook
Hell yeah brother
You gave them hell
Good job
Pretty sure it was a cop I heard saying "Fascism is dead, we hate them too" when gregg gets arrested
I aint seeing the video
on Fagbook
You guys planning on VC tonight
@johanC can you link? I don’t have social media
Heimbach lit that one faggot up
I wanna see I wanna see!
Someone anyone post links
I'll grab the link for you
Looked like Heimbach had some guy in a choke
One sec
or headlock and was pu ching his head
I coudlnt see exactly what happened
Like the guys bent over and Heimbachs hitting him
Joey has the link
Any non fb links by chance?
NLG hotline [REDACTED]
That's the snitch line for National Lawyers Guild.
We need to tie that phone line down.
Get on it.
They are all looking at the same things we are, only they have a team of Lawyers waiting to go to the cops.
Deny the Enemy.