Message from @Maximus
Discord ID: 420370222172733440
Im on ur page
on Fagbook
You guys planning on VC tonight
@johanC can you link? I don’t have social media
Heimbach lit that one faggot up
I wanna see I wanna see!
Someone anyone post links
I'll grab the link for you
Looked like Heimbach had some guy in a choke
One sec
or headlock and was pu ching his head
I coudlnt see exactly what happened
Like the guys bent over and Heimbachs hitting him
Joey has the link
Any non fb links by chance?
NLG hotline [REDACTED]
That's the snitch line for National Lawyers Guild.
We need to tie that phone line down.
Get on it.
They are all looking at the same things we are, only they have a team of Lawyers waiting to go to the cops.
Deny the Enemy.
Eric striker Twitter
This one might work without having to sign in
Nope nvm
All the fight vids are here
that Heimbach judo throw though
You see that one faggot come up from the left side, punch one of ours, and then run away like pussy
nice footage of Johan too
good shit'
love my TWP family
Thank you brother
You did great
Much respect
Who's got that meme of heimbach that says he protec but he also atac
I wonder when the MMA will introduce the “Heimthrow”