Message from @fridgeanon

Discord ID: 602561877687402496

2019-07-21 17:57:39 UTC  

yes harro

2019-07-21 17:57:42 UTC  

I ordered gyros

2019-07-21 17:58:03 UTC  

> nightwalk
> hear footsteps behind me
> a group of hooded thugs
> one has a knife
> I'm not even gonna try to run

2019-07-21 17:58:25 UTC  

it was nice knowing you

2019-07-21 18:00:16 UTC  

@fridgeanon 4 real?

2019-07-21 18:00:33 UTC  

it happened to me once

2019-07-21 18:00:37 UTC  

In Ireland

2019-07-21 18:00:59 UTC  

I feel feels now

2019-07-21 18:01:03 UTC  

usually Im numb

2019-07-21 18:01:06 UTC  

but not today

2019-07-21 18:01:55 UTC  

They wanted to stab you?

2019-07-21 18:02:51 UTC  

Their attention got attracted other way

2019-07-21 18:03:17 UTC  


2019-07-21 18:03:33 UTC  


2019-07-21 18:03:39 UTC  

Get to a lit and safe area immediately

2019-07-21 18:04:19 UTC  

read again

2019-07-21 18:04:22 UTC  

its not happening rn

2019-07-21 18:05:11 UTC  

Thank God

2019-07-21 18:05:19 UTC  

It happened few years ago

2019-07-21 18:05:20 UTC  


2019-07-21 18:05:46 UTC  

R8 my night light (i cant sleep in darkness)

2019-07-21 18:06:04 UTC  

Pretty cool 👌🏿

2019-07-21 18:06:08 UTC  

I have whole room in xmas lights

2019-07-21 18:06:15 UTC  

They make it comfy

2019-07-21 18:06:17 UTC  

I get spooked with mirrors in my room though tbh

2019-07-21 18:06:19 UTC  

At night

2019-07-21 18:06:20 UTC  

>be polish
>get stabbed

2019-07-21 18:06:26 UTC  

@impertinence <:honk:580787452420292639>

2019-07-21 18:06:45 UTC  

Want more green text from my experiences?

2019-07-21 18:07:00 UTC  


2019-07-21 18:08:21 UTC  

I hate mirrors

2019-07-21 18:08:27 UTC  

>be fridge
>be 18 years old
>psychotic af having delusion
>voices say that if somebody gets killed i will become God
>walk around town at night with hunting knife
>be locked up in asylum and diagnosed with AsPD (sociopathy)

2019-07-21 18:08:49 UTC  

Oops sorry i was 19

2019-07-21 18:08:51 UTC  


2019-07-21 18:09:09 UTC  

On r9k they told me im weird af

2019-07-21 18:09:11 UTC  

so did you just not manage to find anyone before getting caught?

2019-07-21 18:09:37 UTC  

I was looking for someone to want to hurt me or someone

2019-07-21 18:09:46 UTC  

Bad person

2019-07-21 18:09:49 UTC  
2019-07-21 18:09:54 UTC  


2019-07-21 18:10:01 UTC  

I was in psychosis