Message from @FashyGoy1488
Discord ID: 420697647704178689
RagBat; he was with us in Knoxville
I can vouch for him being solid
retards and feds are equally dangerous to have around
I'm making @Mai better at doxxing
He's encouraging my obsessive behavior.
I used to be pretty good at it, years ago
Okay. I absolutely have to clean my house, eat and get something to drink before I die. If I sit here much longer I'm going to lose the use of my legs and probably get blood clots.
If I comment in here anytime in the next 2-3 hours, bully me.
@Vice Commander Hunt it would have been cool if TWP had a counter intelligence team inside the Antifa mob with spy level audio and vid surveillance
@antagonizer we don't fit in with antifa haha
one of VA's guys used to, but he actually became nazbol lol @antagonizer
that's what happens when you stare into the abyss too long
Obviously lot's of us are known to Antifa but I'd like to see a group start catching up to them as far as field intelligence and infiltration goes.
They got me on tape a Charlottesville. Hidden camera
This guy was behind our lines with a hidden camera
Lol chef just made that on my laptop
My lastest youtube video
Would really appreciate it if you give it a watch. Hail Victory!
I'm not in this chat right now. But if I were I would be really curious as to whether or not anyone recognizes that logo on the spikey fag's hoodie.
Lol good
could it be b/c they are literally genociding whites in South Africa???
do we not have a right to self defense?
The way to get in with Antifa. As performed by me.
Get to event really early and park far away.
Wander around looking for boomer woman alone with obvious liberal signage.
Ask if they are going to the rally.
Have stupid backstory for how you are from out of town and you don't know way around and came to rally and want to do the right thing for equality and stuff.
Make jokes about being the bodyguard for said person.
I did this at the fort sanders rally and got introduced to members of the Lawyers Guild and stood a few feet from [REDACTED] taking pictures.
I had three or four people ask me if I was a cop.
One guy was so persistent asking me that I told him if I was I would beat his hippy ass and than awkwardly laughed with him.
@Maximus Sounds like we always need ONE or TWO guys dedicated to this role cause it works and valuable method to get intel and...when they attack like rabid animals, you got a chance to cause chaos inside their ranks 😄
shit I just woke up, Conte is being tried on felony charges wtf
I'm going to find somewhere to transition to that is off of discord.
That's a good call
They just somehow got the entire PF discord logs and I'm pretty sure at this point its a discord employee
Logs as in chat logs?