Message from @[the0wnzone] pen0r

Discord ID: 625741127219412992

2019-09-23 17:09:55 UTC  

He listens to emo and noise

2019-09-23 17:09:58 UTC  

nothing wrong with soft rock

2019-09-23 17:10:05 UTC  

@rogalik This is bullshit

2019-09-23 17:10:07 UTC  

I like dark ambient

2019-09-23 17:10:36 UTC  

The ambient i like is much darker than the ambient you like

2019-09-23 17:10:47 UTC  

Listening to a certain song or type of msuic doesn't make you inherently a certain type of person

2019-09-23 17:10:53 UTC  

```The researchers then looked more in-depth and found those who scored high on empathy preferred music that had low energy (gentle, reflective, sensual, and warm elements), or negative emotions (sad and depressing characteristics), or emotional depth (poetic, relaxing, and thoughtful features). Those who scored high on systemizing preferred music that had high energy (strong, tense, and thrilling elements), or positive emotions (animated and fun features), and which also featured a high degree of cerebral depth and complexity.```

2019-09-23 17:10:54 UTC  

Yes it does

2019-09-23 17:11:00 UTC  


2019-09-23 17:11:25 UTC  

Eh you find that most people listen to different genres

2019-09-23 17:11:31 UTC  

```“Although people’s music choices fluctuates over time, we’ve discovered a person’s empathy levels and thinking style predicts what kind of music they like,” said David Greenberg from the Department of Psychology. “In fact, their cognitive style – whether they’re strong on empathy or strong on systems – can be a better predictor of what music they like than their personality.”

2019-09-23 17:11:32 UTC  

this song is like a shower for your mind

2019-09-23 17:11:33 UTC  

I listen to good music so I am a good person

2019-09-23 17:11:38 UTC  
2019-09-23 17:11:40 UTC  


2019-09-23 17:11:41 UTC  


2019-09-23 17:11:44 UTC  

```People who scored high on empathy tended to prefer mellow music (from R&B, soft rock, and adult contemporary genres), unpretentious music (from country, folk, and singer/songwriter genres) and contemporary music (from electronica, Latin, acid jazz, and Euro pop). They disliked intense music, such as punk and heavy metal. In contrast, people who scored high on systemizing favoured intense music, but disliked mellow and unpretentious musical styles```

2019-09-23 17:11:45 UTC  

you like REALLY CONDENCED music

2019-09-23 17:11:48 UTC  


2019-09-23 17:11:50 UTC  

cause youre chad nad intellectual

2019-09-23 17:11:51 UTC  


2019-09-23 17:11:51 UTC  


2019-09-23 17:11:55 UTC  

Only people who base their entire identity around a genre are bad people

2019-09-23 17:11:59 UTC  
2019-09-23 17:12:02 UTC  

answer me bitch

2019-09-23 17:12:05 UTC  

retard sperg

2019-09-23 17:12:10 UTC  

dude I listen to metal for like 10 years

2019-09-23 17:12:16 UTC  

is that a yes or no

2019-09-23 17:12:17 UTC  


2019-09-23 17:12:30 UTC  

and that research showed up only a few years ago

2019-09-23 17:12:38 UTC  

hey retard bitch nigger answer me

2019-09-23 17:12:40 UTC  

i dont fucking care

2019-09-23 17:12:43 UTC  

answer my question

2019-09-23 17:12:43 UTC  

I like the number 4

2019-09-23 17:12:49 UTC  

What is your favorite number

2019-09-23 17:12:54 UTC  

but I'm grateful scientists prove that my taste is exquisite and im indeed a very intellectual and complex mind

2019-09-23 17:13:01 UTC  

7 i think

2019-09-23 17:13:09 UTC  


2019-09-23 17:13:09 UTC  

7 is ok but overrated