Message from @G00EYG0G0!
Discord ID: 628703156376829972
the creeper?
@Polsza faggot
@G00EYG0G0! rekt
Kill you're self <:chad:399190347953209344>
@G00EYG0G0! what driver (amdgpu, gpupo or what)?
>i'm struggling to use opencl here but my gpu can't bear it / iTsInCoMpAtIbLe
Not my pc
My friend sent the pic to me
It's from his pc
I wonder what's inside his gpu
If it's colder than space
That's funny
new yawk neew yaaaaaawk
@G00EYG0G0! whats your opinon on sweden
Because it's shit
i wish meat actually was that thick
nice, I like meat
@anonymous u sure do faggot
no u
should i try the egf thing is is that too cringe?
for me, its aya
but i have the symptoms
like what
wat are u tslking abt nigga
what illness
yea why ghoul