Message from @prior

Discord ID: 424229641872736257

2018-03-16 15:32:22 UTC  

Gamer Militia is my wife

2018-03-16 15:32:28 UTC  

Except by you being a dick head

2018-03-16 15:32:40 UTC  

You’re probably just gonna scare people away from his work

2018-03-16 15:32:47 UTC  

how so?

2018-03-16 15:33:17 UTC  

And keep your wannabe elitist niggas upvoting ur posts

2018-03-16 15:33:20 UTC  


2018-03-16 15:33:45 UTC  

Gaussminigun, have you read all of Stephen Hawkings works thus?

2018-03-16 15:34:11 UTC  

Being a dick head makes people not want to do the things I want them to???

2018-03-16 15:34:17 UTC  

"A Brief History of Time" is all

2018-03-16 15:34:34 UTC  

Calling people “plebs” make them not sympathize with me?

2018-03-16 15:34:44 UTC  

Wow whoda thunk

2018-03-16 15:34:47 UTC  

Do you miss Stephen Hawking gaus?

2018-03-16 15:34:52 UTC  

IFLscience are plebs

2018-03-16 15:35:21 UTC  

Idk what iflscience is but I already like them more than you

2018-03-16 15:35:42 UTC  

go look them up, look at the things people say about them, positive, negative, see for youreslf

2018-03-16 15:35:49 UTC  

A brief history of time?

2018-03-16 15:36:00 UTC  

You mean his most popular and well known book?

2018-03-16 15:36:08 UTC  

Lol pleb

2018-03-16 15:36:41 UTC  

again (and I know what you're doing) you're misreading what I wrote

2018-03-16 15:36:59 UTC  

there are people, that are disingenuous and pretentious, those are the people i'm calling out

2018-03-16 15:37:08 UTC  

If you truly knew Stephen hawking you’d know about his college thesis where he breaks down the black hole and solves time travel

2018-03-16 15:37:33 UTC  


2018-03-16 15:37:56 UTC  

if this is the point of reference you are making, then, i repeat, you misread what I wrote, which may be my fault for not clarifying in my original post

2018-03-16 15:38:12 UTC  

Just might be 🤔

2018-03-16 15:38:31 UTC  

just think about this

2018-03-16 15:38:34 UTC  

Jimmy Kimmel is an... Alright comedian... At least his writers are. One of his sketches gave me a great idea.

Imagine there is a candlelight vigil being held somewhere nearby. And I went there with a media setup.

Me: hi there can you please explain to me what's going on here?
Sheep: we're here to like mourne the passing of Stephen Hawking
Me: Ahh I see... And how did you feel about Stephen Hawking?
Sheep: he was like this really smart genius and was like a really cool scientist, just like......really inspirational
Me: Oh is that so? And what scientific achievements was he known for?

Did you imagine the next response to be stutters and other unintelligible verbal diarrhea? Some funny shit aint it?

2018-03-16 15:38:44 UTC  

Instead of taking the route of pretentious gate keeper maybe take the route of not pretentious educator

2018-03-16 15:38:52 UTC  

Or anything of that sort

2018-03-16 15:41:07 UTC  

someone who had ALS that not only lived several times his life expectancy but also used that time to be one of the most well known and smartest niggas In the world is pretty inspiring I’d argue

2018-03-16 15:41:20 UTC  

^ that right there

2018-03-16 15:41:31 UTC  

is a much better post than "omg im so sad hawking died"

2018-03-16 15:41:44 UTC  

It’s almost like you’re devaluing hawking at this point

2018-03-16 15:41:53 UTC  

how so?

2018-03-16 15:42:00 UTC  

that is wildly untrue

2018-03-16 15:42:11 UTC  

That’s what it sounds like

2018-03-16 15:42:24 UTC  

I can’t imagine why you’d want people to stop mourning

2018-03-16 15:42:32 UTC  

no that's not what I said

2018-03-16 15:42:47 UTC  

people need to mourn properly or not mourn at all

2018-03-16 15:42:52 UTC  

don't mourn for attention

2018-03-16 15:43:13 UTC  

(to yourself)

2018-03-16 15:44:17 UTC  
