Message from @KAMERAD REICH
Discord ID: 422618678954033163
Come on everyone
My dad unironically watches that fucking show and won’t stop talking to be about it
Well you must come from good stock seeing as how he has to have a 150 iq to the jokes
Get fucked dude
He and my mother were like 15 when I was born
He was pretty normal back then but my mother passed in child birth and my dad sorta like disappeared until a couple years ago
He did a bunch of drugs and now his brain only half works
Thus the reason he watched rick and north
And you joined the discord
I'm sorry to hear that
I clicked on it cause I TRUSTED you Malala
No pity my kamerad
Life is a struggle
What is it?
Just join it dude
I don't want Shoah'd by joining some normie discord dude
It's chad
Join me and Malala
Is malal
Aryan rick and morty?
@KAMERAD REICH you're gay lol why'd you join it
Thought it was a back up or some shit
okay gay
I don’t disagree
How many lashing
a lot
At the very least 1,488
That’s my lucky number
That's awesome
Gute nacht Freunde
Richard Spencer needs to pull his head out of his ass and stop tossing black pills around all over the place.
For real though he shouldn't be discouraged
wait wtf
is that a troll?