Message from @Maximus
Discord ID: 422520425075965952
How many showed up?
Good amount.
Just checked the twitter, and the video is coming out this week
I counted 50+ in one picture
Yeah man.
Good shit, congrats
Lord almighty
I just hit people if I'm lost in the debate.
Translation: "I am incapable of having a conversation with anyone who doesn't think exactly as I do, and also I have MEDICAL CONDITIONS FEEL BAD"
Correct me if I'm wrong but this translates to: "I'm not going to debate people anymore cause idk wtf I'm talking about and end up looking really stupid, that really rustles my jimmies. Please don't use that new emoji cause I dont understand what it means. Anxiety."
Lol sent at the same time
Something something minds think alike
This one constantly posts about it's anxiety
I'm not sure if it's a male or female.
Did you..
The only way I can really debate is if I don't hide my power level.
If I'm not going full Fasc I don't believe it.
Maybe that thing should try saying what it believes.
Hiding your power levels can definitely feel disingenous, but it helps to speak from the heart, but just not share all your opinions
Lol I can see that
Literal bugpeople
Who is it asking to hide posts?
Isnt that for you to do
You can make it visable to everyone except blah blah blah
This is unironic btw
Oh ok that makes.. more sense I guess. Obnoxious cunt
I am uncomfortable
^ this
That's a dude
Forehead/eyebrows. Mouth
I'm not sure it's a person
Chin and cheeks
Also trying to hard to seem like a woman