Message from @ÜltraÜberGöttKönig
Discord ID: 668882821347016705
ruhe weibsbild
Klappe öko-hippie
bro did u read the last chapters??
bin ja garkein hippie
did you read the chapter where griffith talks to god?
I buy my way to talk to god so he can live with what i'm not <:pepewhy:581584411640725515>
>ayo homeboy just do whatchu want my nigga
Fucking weebs
Can you explain to us the musical and lyrical genius of Kanye West?
there is none for he is of the negroid races
i dont think music beyond death and black metal can even be called art tbh
That wasn't a kanye west song kek
lol are you sure
For me, its death grips
hey everyone
It's a song by innerpartysystem
I've been talking to god for so long and looking back i guess he's talking back is a kanye west song i think
Idk, I'm really not very familiar with edgy music
Everything that references god is pretty edgy to me
thats a pretty edgy statement
Deus veult
Deus vault
What's some nice edgy music then?
death grips is VERY edgy
No nice edgy music
>hurr i only listen to the most underground shit so that must mean i'm cool <:brainlet:395711607554048000>
Watch edgy white boys seethe
dg are normie
dg is not underground at all
bro have you even heard of waqs?
But what if i just listen to underground music simply because i like it <:wojakcrying:580864744651489290>