Message from @LiterallyHitler
Discord ID: 423274610830606336
or 3 days, same thing
Bruh do any of you know anybody IRL
shits busy I don't think you'll get vetted lol
was going to co-host an interview with heimbach on Uncensored politics and then political talk, but we got shut down by discord
also in the other discord for a while
I can't vet you today if you don't know anybody IRL
Yeah I was gonna wait until I met my colonel before I asked, just so no one thinks I'm idle
This ain't the time for pot shots buddy
@Fevs you met me at Shelbyville, I was working security both nights at the motel
sit on my lap son and let me tell you how I fucked your grandmother
Hitting the hambehind
@Fevs I know @LiterallyHitler irl
He's a good goy
The niggers will fuck that weight off of him
Ass rape is good cardio
frozen dinners and chill
If he doesn’t join the Aryan brotherhood while he’s here then I’m done
I'm just here for the wife swap
If you don’t have a swastika tattoo on your forehead you’re a cuck
I agree
This is pretty degenerate
Where's the fish bowl that I put my car keys In? Do I have to be vetted for that?
>not fucking your wife's mother then beating up your stepfather in walmart
I'm going to kick people that are shitposting in here lmfao
Do it Fevs
At least we can respect Parrott for involving the police
ACAB tho
That's not respectable
So you shouldn’t get the police involved when your son in law fucks your wife and kicks your ass?
Oy vey