Message from @DanEss
Discord ID: 422539427206791169
@Billy Ray Jenkins lmk if you can hear me
Oh, I'm on it right now.
@Fevs I dont agree with the satanic stuff but im not going to disrespect my friends over it, most of them are doing it for the LULZ
I have multiple
I don't have a place to keep them 😦 or I would I love kitties
Even though I'm horribly allergic, I would take every kitty you GOT
fortune favours the bold
@Billy Ray Jenkins is ABSOLUTELY right
@Fevs I'm calling that one
That's mine
@Fash Dragon I outrank you back tf off
Not for long
@Fash Dragon It's in the new handbooks that all hapas are auto dib'd by fevs
Did you just assume my gender SHITLORD
@DanEss It looks feminine enough that as long as you kept its pants on its not gay
I think thats absolutely hilarious
@Fevs wow great convo for the public channel
I thought we got a new channel to avoid shit like this
It's ok, Fevs will stop as soon as he feels the penis
My goal is to joke about it 24/7 so that if shit like that leaks, everybody in the movement is just like "okay and?"
No no no, if I have learned nothing else during my 24 hours of most popular facebook commie ever it's that you never ever assume gender, and you also don't share your posts with everyone.. just some people and you always exclude the people that it will trigger. And "bitch" is a gender slur ANNNNNNNDDDDDD you can't make fun of drug addicts cause that's ableist
You can do that if you're left wing
As long as you accept that it may be an offensive term to some people and "work on " not using it, it's fine.
I kinda want to make a commie facebook now for hitting on thots wtf
Hey @Fevs you see the hotties I posted
I'm not into yentas, too much hatred
I did it for the Lulz