Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 432966875526201354
Mhmm leckerer Kapitalismus
nice propaganda @Volya~
Remember to Europe:
>Rejects degeneracy
>supports ideology born out of repressed homosexuality
fascism will cease to exist with homosexuality
Der Kapitalismus und Kommunismus sind das eine und dasselbe = Jüdische Systeme, erdacht um die Menschheit und vorallem die Europaer zu versklaven @yung
are you german
Nazism is an ideology about hatred, towards a specific race. "THEY DIDN'T KILL DEM" argument is fucking stupid since we all know that they at least planned to kill an entire race. Which backs the holocausts existence.
@Esoteric Nostalgist no but I speak german
Completely idiotic statement by the way, Hitler was a bitch to international finance pre war, facts
Prove me one historic document where it says that nazis will exterminate whole race @Volya~
@yung Know what more:
Yes, if they defeated the USSR, they were going to kill 90% of the slavic population
as hitler himself said that slavs are degenerate.
@Volya~ Good
proof? Yugoslavia.
Nazism's core is not about hatred
it's core is about loving your own nation
it’s about licking capitalist boots
and you all are told that hitler just killed a bunch of stupid jews
but in reality
his target wasn't just them
@Volya~ Jews deserve death among Commies scum
Yeah, slavs that thougt they were germans.
i have enough of this dipshit
continue to believe your shit @Volya~
@Volya~ Croats are Goths
Why? You can't handle the truth?
@Volya~ Witch true?
but remember that there will be no mercy for you when our time has come @Volya~
Go back to /pol/, fascist piece of shit.
Your crimes? @Volya~
sieg heil 14/88 comrades, JUDA VERRECKE
The capitalists pissed their coward pants when faced with the threat of Socialism, the real revolutionary movement slandered by sheep who like being credulous, and supported fascism , plain and simple
What crimes?
@Volya~ Hu ha Antifa