Message from @Miomio
Discord ID: 278223117019512842
Our organization isn't fascist or nazi by default we only oppose antifa and communsim
Braise kek shadilay
braise geg :DDD
praise Kek
fascism is a reaction to communist terrorists
See what I really don't get
we are fascists
Is Antifa making death threats
So thats four so far
Awe fug stubbed my benis
When they're against people owning guns
benis :DDD
Yes, we are fascists
@4ms not all of us tbh
people always shitpost images of dead commies or dead nazis but in turth both groups are better than most people ever will be, imagine never actually having the guts to fight for something and just spending your life feeding your cats and being a wage slave in a cubicle farm
Antifa is more facist than anyone here
Ecept maybe Gabe
>wage slave
what is this leftist shit
What Nazis where
Real anticoms are fascist
Antifa thinks anti-communism = Nazi
Which is hilarious because the irony is totally lost on them
@regularperson5656 you don't know spurdo yet have a finnish gril as your avatar?
The total lack of self awareness is amazing
all of my wews
Again, let's not get bogged down. Let's not get into dick measuring contested over purist nonsense. A real anticom is just a good person.
Wuz gud anticom
Correctomundo kek
No NatSoc would ever self-identity as a "fascist"
just saying
Correctomundo kek
this is strictly anti communist violence, doesn't matter if you voted Bernie or Trump or think Hitler did nothing wrong
Lol how retarded are you that you think anticom is facism